b'MICHELLE KLIEGERCLIENT SERVICES DIRECTOR, CREATE BY ISSUES INK @MichelleKliegerissuesink.com PERIASAMY (RAVI) CHITRAMPALAM RESEARCH PLANT PATHOLOGIST, EUROFINS BIODIAGNOSTICSMaking the Most ofPeriasamyChitrampalam@eurofinsUS.com eurofinsus.com/biodiagnosticsVirtual NetworkingDO YOU KNOWthe proper social etiquette for vir- Biologicals for tual networking? Do you know how to network in theSustainable Agriculturevirtual world without feeling awkward or inadequate, so you come across as confident and charming?Neither do I.This whole virtual networking business is new toAGRICULTURAL PRODUC- direct inhibition to competition for most of us. Ive taken part in and helped organizeTIONcan become very chal- nutrients and space. Biopesticides some recent virtual networking events and gleaned alenging under current climaticbecome the best alternative to few insights that you might find helpful. In case youveconditions. Crops are continuouslychemical pesticides because of yet to take part in one, a virtual networking event isbeing affected by stresses.their comparable control and the just what it sounds likeyou pull up a virtual chair at aPlant scientists from both aca- fact that they are safe and present virtual table and join in a conversation with other mem- demia and industry are workingno risk of pesticide resistance. bers of your industry. These are quick chats, like speedrelentlessly to advance agriculture.Biologicals can be effectively datingnot business meetings. The idea is to get toHowever, crop stresses are complexdelivered as a seed-applied treat-know others, just like at a real-life networking event. and there is no silver bullet to curement. Ensuring healthy products If you remember the following, Im confident youllall these stresses. Advancementis the primary goal of the seed have an easier and more comfortable time of it.requires a well-researched, inte- industry. Undoubtedly, biologi-No one there is any more experienced than you.grated approach. Biologicals cancally coated, healthy seeds further Like I said, were all new at this. Virtual networking canbe a critical component of control.amplify the seed industry mis-be as awkward as in-person networking. There can beBiologicals are naturally occurringsion and ensure the survival of awkward silences, just like in the real world. Part ofmicroorganisms. The agriculturalseeds through changing climatic the fun is learning together.rhizosphere contains hundreds ofconditions. Like any other prod-Temper your expectations. Dont expect everymillions of microorganisms, includ- uct, biological have limitations. conversation to result in a business transaction. Thatsing both beneficial and harmfulOne of the major concerns is that not the idea. If the conversation is going well you canones. The first step in commer- these biologicals may not perform reach out and message them or set up a private meet- cialization of biologicals is rigorousconsistently across varying agrocli-ing to have a more in-depth conversation, just like youscreening to identify and isolate thematic conditions. Therefore, ensur-would in person. beneficial ones from the oceans ofing the efficacy of biologicals under Make an effort. In the virtual world its easy tomicroorganisms present in the soil.a range of agroecosystems through become apathetic. You might not want to put theBiologicals vary in functionsrigorous field studies is critical for same amount of effort into virtual networking as youand are classified as biostimulants/ the success of biological products. would real networking. It can take conscious effortbiofertilizers or biopesticides.The success of biologicals also to make the most of it. At an in-person event someoneBiostimulants promote plant healthdepends on the delivery of the right might walk by and see you and spark up a conversa- and growth mainly through fixingmicrobial concentration. Eurofins tion. In the virtual world you cant do thatyou havenitrogen from the environment,BioDiagnostics Inc. offers a wide to consciously jump in. conferring resistance to stress andrange of services to biological Become familiar with the technology the event isdrought, enhancing host immu- companies to precisely determine using. Dont assume its over Zoom. It could be a dif- nity and disease resistance andthe level of biological product on ferent platform altogether. Log on early and get usedenriching nutrient availability. Ontreated seeds. This can ensure the to using the software. Think of it like arriving early to anthe contrary, biopesticides protectproper quality and success of their in-person event. In the virtual world it usually doesntplants from harmful pests throughproducts under field conditions. pay to be fashionably late. a variety of mechanisms, from OCTOBER 2020SEEDWORLD.COM /27'