b'PARTNER CONTENTHow to Find the Just Right Outsourced Genotyping for Your Breeding ProgramWhen Goldilocks tromped around in the three bears cottage, she was on to something: finding what fits just right matters.U ntil six years ago, researchers looking to accelerate theira consolidated, actionable report instead of juggling rolls of raw genomic programs had two options for outsourced geno- data. typing. They could choose single-plex (qPCR) genotyping,Admittedly, we dont suit everyone. We dont focus on the low-which looks at a very small number of SNPs. Or, they could choosedensity marketplace, nor do we strive to provide the same glut of the far other side of the genotyping spectrum: high-density arrays,data as the high-density market. Our goal has never been to pro-or chip-based sequencing, which look at a very large number ofvide a deep dive into one-off SNPs or to serve intensive breeding SNPs from a low number of samples. For many, single-plex pro- programs. Rather, our mission is to provide flexibility and clear vides too little data to be useful, yet high-density can be far too bigreturn on investment to mid-range crop and livestock breeding in both data produced and cost. Remember Goldilocks? Findingcustomers.what fits just right matters.Interested in learning more? Wed love to chat. In 2014, we opened Agriplex Genomics with the goal of bridg- No, really: wed actually love to chat. ing the gap between low- and high-density genotyping. Our nextBecause were a comparatively small company, were able to generation sequencing technology allows us to provide a focused,invest in every customer interaction. That commitment continues simultaneous analysis of a mid-range number of markers (as fewfrom start to finish through every customer relationship. We take as 50 or as many as 3,500) from any number of DNA samples.the time to understand your business and develop a solid grasp How do we do it? Our amplicon-based sequencing technology,of your unique needs before you send us your samples. We adjust which we call PlexSeq, allows us to screen a custom multiplexto best suit your needs: if you dont have the lab capacity for DNA across thousands of samples simultaneously via a single run of aextraction on-site, we can accept raw tissue samples and handle sequencer. Then, our Plexcall software automatically compilesextraction from our end. We value your time: we guarantee results the SNP calls then analyzes the frequency. in four to six weeks but can in certain cases shorten that to as little PlexSeq is compatible with crude DNA extraction methods,as two weeks if your breeding program is under time pressure. accommodates varying starting materials (seed, leaf, roots, etc),And were committed to making sure your results suit you: when and requires only minute DNA concentrations (4ng per l).your samples analysis is complete and we send you your consoli-The simple protocol means PlexSeq is easy to scale up to largedated report, expect a follow-up phone call to ensure the results production, is ultra-flexible (SNPs can be added to or omitted fromare what you need. Afterall, our business works best if it fits you any multiplex), andbecause it boasts very low lab consumablesjust right. is eco-friendly too. With over 55K unique sequencing barcodesIncreased data return, lower cost, faster turn-around, top-available, PlexSeq can handle almost an unlimited number ofnotch customer service: thats Agriplex Genomics. samples. Its automated analysis means that customers receive OCTOBER 2020SEEDWORLD.COM /77'