b'Facinganewchallengeoropportunity?Consideringexpanding your skill set in a new area? VIRTUAL For whatever drives your professional development and continuing educationneeds,youhaveapartner.ThePurdueUniversityWORKSHOPS Center for Food and Agricultural Business builds programs with the potential to revolutionize the way you work and do business.KEY ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT Participating in one of the Centers online programs wasFINANCIAL MANAGEMENT ANALYSIS a perfect way to enhance my leadership skills. Purdue didAND DECISION MAKING an excellent job of providing participants with valuable networkingopportunitieswhileonlinethroughsmallORGANIZATIONAL groupsanddiscussions.TherelevantcontentandLEADERSHIP AND DEVELOPMENTprofessional instructors left me with insights I was able to take back to work and implement immediately. STRATEGIC AND TACTICAL MARKETINGNick DeKryger, Vice President of Business and Finance, Belstra Milling Company MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT ACROSS BUSINESS FUNCTIONS SALES MANAGEMENTV I S I T A G R I B U S I N E S S . P U R D U E . E D U/O N L I N EParticipateinalive,distance-deliveredprogramfromLETS GET SOCIAL!wherever you are! Visit agribusiness.purdue.edu/online to view upcoming program topics and dates. agbusinessinfo@purdue.edu | 765-494-4247 Follow Purdue University Center for Food and Agricultural Business on Facebook and LinkedIn Follow @PurdueAgBiz on TwitterCAB-Distance-Delivery-Ad.indd 1 7/8/2020 2:13:23 PM'