b'I N D U S T R Y N E W S Delivering the news you need to know. Submissions welcomeemail us at news@seedworldgroup.com. UN General Assembly Declares 2026 as International Year of the Woman FarmerThe UN General Assembly declared 2026 as the International Year of the Woman Farmer. The USDA spearheaded the resolu-tion and garnered more than 100 co-sponsors, emphasizing the global importance of uplifting women in agriculture. The initiative recognizes the critical role of women in agriculture, who produce up to 80% of food in some regions. Additionally, it seeks to elevate womens leadership positions and increase their representation in decision-making processes. USDA to Keep the Potato Classified as Vegetable,The American Seed Trade Association (ASTA) recentlyNot a Grainupdated its guide to help farmers, landowners andU.S. Senator Susan Collins received a call from U.S. Department others easily find and contact professional seedof Agriculture Secretary Thomas Vilsack, who informed her that suppliers for quality environment, conservationthe USDA will officially support maintaining potatoes classifica-and cover crop seed. The interactive Environment,tion as a vegetable, rather than a grain. The decision followed Conservation and Cover Crop Seed Resource Guidethe bipartisan letter she led with Senator Michael Bennet (D-CO) assists buyers in locating dealers for specific seedopposing any reclassification of potatoes as a grain instead of types based on their geographic location, therebya vegetable or including recommendations that potatoes and supporting their production and sustainability goals. grains are interchangeable as changes to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGAs) are being considered. SWRestoring the Native Landscape800-873-3321sales@ernstseed.com https://ernstseed.co/SW46/ SEEDWORLD.COMJUNE 2024'