b'CASSIDY MILLIONIs it Soccer or Football? VP OF AG SCIENCE OF HELIAE AGRICULTUREwww.phycoterra.comTHIS QUESTION ISconsideredwere on target for their audience absolute blasphemy by the major- in Western Europe but the audi-ity of the world but not to every- ence that they were looking for in one. It is the same situation whenEastern Europe was way off. TheSupport Your Microbiomewe are sharing any message with aobvious issue was that they were large, diversified audiencewhatusing the same content and formatYear-Round: From Seed to Stubbleis the RIGHT way to tell your story?for what we have come to learn, is a The answer is it depends on whovery different audience with differ- IF YOU WANTto provide your farm with year-round you want to hear it!ent expectations.support, there are four spheres you need to know I work with a lot of companiesThey had to remember thatabout: spermosphere, rhizosphere, phyllosphere and that are expanding with either newGoogle is reviewing their contentdetritusphere. From seed to stubble, active microbes products or into new geographiesBEFORE their potential clientin each sphere boost yield potential. Providing a supe-and nothing creates more learningcan find it, so their content MUSTrior food source to one sphere can also benefit the opportunities (the positive way ofmatch up with what Google isothers, increasing overall crop yield. saying, places to make mistakes)looking to be able to serve it up toThe Spermosphere (The Seed): This sphere is the than thinking that the entire worldtheir target audience. It was notmost impactful to seeds. The spermosphere is 0.1 to thinks, listens, decides and buys thewholesale changes, just some very0.2 area around the seed and its first interaction with same way you do.important tweaks to the language,the real world. To supercharge your spermosphere, Crafting a story with the lis- adjustments to some images alongconsider adding a seed-focused labile carbon product tener in mind is critical to creatingwith some formatting and within 6to feed hungry microbes on and around the seed. their listening. What is importantmonths they had traffic at or aboveThe Rhizosphere (The Root): The spermosphere to them? What problem did theytheir targeted levels in Easternthen transforms into the rhizosphere and begins wake up with this morning that youEurope.supporting your seed, roots and plant. An active and would like to discuss with them?What was interesting is theyhealthy microbiome in the rhizosphere can improve What cultural norms dictate howmade similar tweaks to the Westernwater retention, soil aggregate structure and nutrient the majority of your audience inEuropean countries sites as wellcycling. Unfortunately, 75% of soil microbes in farm a specific geography will listen toand saw an almost doubling of traf- soils are either dormant or inactive due to starvation what you have to say? The goodfic and engagement on those sites.from not being fed a proper, well-rounded food source. news is that you absolutely do NOTConnecting with your audience inTo wake up the microbes in the rhizosphere, consider need to get this perfect becausethe way that they want to be con- feeding your beneficial microbes a soil health labile there is no such thing as a singularnected is Marketing 101 but some- carbon product so they can assist your crops.perfect message for EVERYONE.times we must be reminded thatThe Phyllosphere (The Leaf): The phyllosphere is I recently was on a call with aour target audience does not wakeone of the most under-studied spheres. The phyllo-client who was disappointed withup in the morning hoping to findsphere is a harsh environment for a microbe to live in, their website performance andyouthey wake up with their issuesand it is the only sphere that interacts with the plant, wanted to understand why. Weand their problems that need to bemicrobiome and atmosphere. Consider a foliar applica-completed an audit and in review- solved. So, I ask you to think abouttion of beneficial bacteria and fungi, along with a labile ing the results discovered theyhow your audience wants to hearcarbon-rich food source, to support leaf microbes. the information that you want toThis single application, combined with fungicides or share with them BEFORE you pushmicronutrients, provides the energy microbes need to it out into the world AND see thereduce abiotic stress in your crops. massive difference in the results! The Detritusphere (The Residue): At seasons end, growers must decide how to manage post-harvest res-idue. Pairing your burn down with a microalgae carbon product can activate microbes, aiding in residue break-down. This method has been shown to reduce residue SHAWN BROOK mass by 23%, raising soil temperature by an average of 5F for planting. Breaking down your stubble provides PRESIDENT, SEED WORLD GROUP your next crop with a slow release nutrient source. The sbrook@seedworldgroup.com microbial ecosystem is just like other biological sys-seedworldgroup.com@SeedWorldGroup tems on our planetone action can impact the rest!JUNE 2024SEEDWORLD.COM /23'