b'Meet the DynamicSeed World U.S. Editorial BoardSeasoned seed industry professionals help guide our content strategyand provide exceptional perspective. Aimee NielsonBY LEVERAGING THEcollec- Jane Bachmanntive knowledge and experience ofJane leads seed business communica-the Seed World U.S. editorial board, wetions for Corteva Agriscience. Responsible understand the issues the seed industryfor internal and external communications is facing. Having a group of seed industryfor the global seed business, her team professionals to provide perspective, con- finds innovative ways to make complex nections and insight is vital to my work asinformation simple as they advocate for an editor. market access to seed technology and Our board helps shape our contenthelp improve understanding of business strategy. Members identify emergingpriorities. trends, potential threats and opportuni- Since joining Corteva in 2010 as their ties within the industry, guiding us toresearch communications manager, she cover topics that anticipate the needs andhas held several technical, strategy and interests of our readership. This forward- business communication leadership roles. Jane has served as leader of global research thinking approach helps us stay ahead ofcommunications for DuPont Pioneer and DuPont, managed executive and leadership the curve, providing valuable insights thatcommunications during the merger between Dow and DuPont and led commercial professionals in the seed industry can usecommunications for Corteva globally, and for the North American business.to make informed decisions. During her tenure with the company, she developed the companys science com-The board also plays a key role in com- munications platform, product pipeline investor communications strategy and led the munity engagement. By representing alaunch for the Brevant seed brand.broad spectrum of the seed industry, thePrior to joining Corteva, Jane led global science and biotechnology communications board helps ensure we serve as a com- for Syngenta at the companys Research Triangle Park, NC office, and the global head-prehensive platform for dialogue andquarters in Basel, Switzerland. She previously worked as a research scientist.exchange. This inclusivity strengthens theRaised on a small family farm, Jane is a native of Iowa. She holds a Bachelor of community by fostering connections andScience in Biology from the University of Iowa and a Master of Science in Biology from sharing diverse perspectives, which is vitalthe University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Jane represents Corteva on the communi-for addressing the complex challengescations committee of the American Seed Trade Association (ASTA). She is a member facing the seed industry. of the Public Relations Society of Iowa, a former Girl Scout leader, and an avid fan of the I hope you enjoy reading about eachDrake University Marching Band.member of the board and what they bringWhy she serves on the Seed World U.S. editorial board: It all starts with the seed. to the Seed World U.S. table. Here they areAnd Seed World is the staple in the seed industryserving as the go to resource for in alphabetical order.whats happening now and whats on the horizon for everything seed. Im excited to work alongside the talented Seed World team and editorial board members to contrib-ute ideas for topics that matter to the industry and our customers all over the world.This article has been shortened for print.To read the full version, visitwww.seedworld.com/US12/ SEEDWORLD.COMJUNE 2024'