b"Research Study Shows Benefits of Tracking Pathogens with Biomark X9JIM SCHWEIGERTPRESIDENT, GRO ALLIANCEAmplicon Assays jim.schweigert@groalliance.comgroalliance.comWITH MOREand more patho-High-throughput and cost @jim_schweigertgens developing pesticide resist- efficacy: the assay utilizes micro-ance, crop diseases are a majorfluidics technology to achieve and growing threat to food pro- high-throughput genotyping at a duction. Predicting how diseasesrelatively low cost per sample. This will shape farming into the futuremakes it suitable for large-scaleHow You Ask for Feedback depends on being able to iden- studies and routine monitoring of tify genetic changes in pathogenpathogen populations. Determines What you Getpopulations. Thats increasingly Reproducible and reliable efficient and cost-effective thanksresults: the study demonstrates to high-throughput ampliconthe assay's reproducibility andONE OF MY FAVORITEparts of travel is getting to assays achieved via the Biomarkreliability across different sampletry new restaurants and unique menu items. The world X9 system. In February 2023, atypes, including pure fungal DNA,of food is so diverse and good restaurants give the team of researchers from Frenchmixed samples, and DNA extractedguest great food and a memorable experience. and Swiss Universities publisheddirectly from infected leaves. ThisAt some point in almost every meal, the waiter a research study describing howensures the accuracy and consist- stops by to ask how everything was cooked and if it they developed and validated aency of the data generated. tastes good. How do guests answer this question?microfluidics-based multiplex tar-Effective performance withThink back to your last few restaurant meals. Did geted amplicon sequencing assaylow-input DNA: the assay performsyou answer honestly? Its easy when the food is incred-(using the Juno, an older versionwell even with low amounts ofible and exceeds your expectations, but what about of the Biomark X9) for monitoringDNA, making it suitable for situa- the overcooked steak, under-seasoned sides or salad mutations in fungal plant patho- tions where obtaining large quanti- drowning in dressing? Its likely that you said it was gens. Their report highlights howties of DNA is challenging. good or just nodded because you had just taken a the assay offers several advantages The team used the assay tobig bite. (I swear that they try to time the question for over traditional methods for ag-biosuccessfully multiplex 798 locithe exact moment in which your mouth is most full!)research, making it a valuable tooltargeting virulence and fungicideMy point is that the setting and person asking are for studying and managing cropresistance genes, and randomlynot well designed for an honest answer. You know how diseases. According to the authors,selected genome-wide markers formuch work the chef put into the meal, and you sure the advantages included: the fungal pathogen Zymoseptoriadont want to appear rude or ungrateful. Do you wantSimultaneous monitoring oftritici, a major issue in wheat. Theto be that person who sends back a meal and looks multiple loci: the assay can simul- researchers optimized the primerlike a bit of a snob? Nope. You give the waiter the feed-taneously assess hundreds ofdesign by integrating polymor- back expected and continue with dinner.targeted loci, including genes asso- phism data from 632 genomes ofWhen your friends ask you for a recommendation, ciated with fungicide resistance,the same species, then tested thehowever, is when your true thoughts fly! pathogenicity and genetic diver- assays performance by genotypingCompanies fall into this same trap. It might happen sity. This comprehensive approach192 samples in two replicates.at the all-employee meeting, the sales kickoff or during provides a more complete pictureInterested in learning more?an employee review. In these critical moments folks of the pathogen population and itsContact us at education.team@ are more likely to feel pressured into giving the answer evolution. standardbio.com. expected versus offering their true feelings. The lesson for me in this comparison is that I would much rather hear how someone describes the meal to their friends versus the waiter.Think about how youre asking for feedback and in what setting. Create time and space for the person answering to give their true opinions. Then you will ROBERTO SPADA really know if they like what you offer or if theyre just DIRECTOR OF MARKETING AT STANDARD BIOTOOLS giving lip service.standardbio.comroberto.spada@standardbio.com22/ SEEDWORLD.COMJUNE 2024"