b"three key traits, but they also needed to pursue the changes in the right plants.It became obvious to us in order to make a global impact, [we had] to do this in croplands, Busch says. There are dis-tribution and seed genetics improvement systems through breeding, ag companies and NGOs that already are involved in changing traits and bringing that to the farmer. The scale of agriculture is just so enormous that by focusing only on a small number of plant species used in agriculture, you can make a huge impact in drawing down and storing carbon. The team focused on some of the highest acreage crops. In each crop, they attempted to discover associated genes and mechanisms that would allow them to change these desired traits. They also utilized a technique known as genome wide association studies. This method involves measuring root depth, root mass and suberin in many varieties of a crop. They then identify the geneticIn-field studies are now underway to determine whether lab and greenhouse results persist variants within these crops associatedin the field and how the root traits impact soil carbon accumulation.with the desired traits. To date, the tam has worked throughspot between carbon sequestering traitsour technology and move it into varie-hundreds of lines of soybean as well asand yield in differing growing conditions.ties of these crops plants so we can start looking at rice, wheat, canola and sor- Salks researchers have already gener- partnering with larger companies to see ghum varieties. They also have access toated crop varieties using gene editingwhether this can already be put in their data from corn.of the most promising candidates. Stillpipeline, Busch says. Results are promising: the team hasahead is significant field research toThe company will also find ways to found capacity for increasing root mass,examine whether lab and greenhouseconnect these roots' traits to the carbon increasing suberin, and attaining muchresults persist in the field, together withmarkets to ensure that farmers planting greater root depth.extensive soil sampling to determineSalk Ideal Plants and sequestering carbon Ultimately, the traits will be alteredthe effect these root traits have on soilwill get appropriate carbon credits and using genetic engineering, gene edit- carbon accumulation over time.compensation. ing, or in cases where the traits alreadyThis is ongoing and will take a coupleIt is really time to start thinking about exist in crop varieties, advanced genomeof years more to get to good, solid dataways to leverage plants to store and assisted breeding. The resulting varietiesbecause working in the field always takessequester carbon because agriculture will be known as Salk Ideal Plants.a number of seasons, Busch says. is the most scalable system on earth, Under controlled conditions, there hasAcademia can only take this so far,said Busch. With the technology in no evidence to suggest that enhancingand the Salk Institute has accounted forplace, it can have a global impact faster crops carbon sequestration capacity willthis reality. than if you have to build factories that lead to a decrease in yield. However, fieldWe (set up) a company recently,try to suck carbon dioxide out of the testing will be key to finding the sweetand this company will take on some ofatmosphere.SWJUNE 2024SEEDWORLD.COM /25"