b'THE HR HANDBOOKPivot like a ProIS THIS SCENARIO FAMILIAR?Following anCompare and Contrast annual off-site, several follow-up meetings, some dif- No matter how small or large the change in strategy, ficult decisions and a large-scale rollout earlier in theyou must communicate it in comparison to the previ-year, the recent consumer outlook report has upendedous strategy. Either way, your team will realize that your approach to deliver the expected annual results.priorities have changed. Some will see this as ambigu-This new data will mean a shift in resource spend- ity, a lack of decisiveness or being wishy-washy. You ing and reprioritization of the current years projects.cant let this happen as these attitudes become a For the longer term, it means that you wont likely bebarrier to moving forward. As a leader take the time to incorporating the new capacities that were touted asteach about how you are leading within the framework the big growth area for the future. Your strategy forof strategic planning. JONATHAN SHAVERachieving success has changed.is the president andLeadership best practices will always indicate thatBe Transparentowner of Envisionleaders must have clarity in their strategy. A strategyLet others into your world to see how you must Partners LLC.points your team in the right direction; it helps prioritizesimultaneously hold strong to strategic priorities. Let resource allocation. A good strategy builds commit- them see that as a leader, you are always testing those ment to the hard work that is to come. A strategy tostrategies in response to environmental forces that are achieve your vision helps garner resources, it helpslarger than you. You must react to the forces of your bring peers on board; a clear strategy enhances pro- leadership, to the pressure of peers, align to larger ductivity. strategic initiatives and changes or deal with outside factors. Some of these are unpredictable.Clear Communication Prevails Not everyone accepts it, but evolution happens. As Once you communicate established strategies toa leader, you must help others accept this fact, explain the rest of the organization they are often taken asthe forces that affect the strategy and guide it as much steadfast and unchanging, but strategies will needas possible through changing times. to change as marketplace demands or economics require. In reality, the longer the strategic outlook,Listen, Push and Pivotthe greater the likelihood the strategy will change.The scenario youre facing might feel overwhelming, You, and maybe your team, have probably seen thisbut its also a chance to innovate and grow. This unex-potential change coming all alongor at least cre- pected shift in strategy can be a catalyst for creativity, ated a contingency plan. For you, it is a continuouspushing your team to think outside the box and find evolution of the strategy. For others, the changes innew ways to achieve success. Embrace this opportunity strategy are a highly disruptive evolution. As a leaderto explore uncharted territory, to question and chal-it is important that you communicate that prioritieslenge the status quo, and to discover solutions that you have changed, and you must also explain the reasonsmay have overlooked in a more stable environment.what were the evolutionary forces that led to theEncourage your team to view this change not as a set-change in strategy. Also clearly explain what is differ- back, but as a chance to strengthen their adaptability ent about the new approach to success compared toand resilience. Together, you can turn this challenge into the previous onewhat parts persisted, which partsa triumph, proving that with the right mindset, every were lost, what parts were modified, what was added?change is an opportunity in disguise. SWContinue by explaining how this change in strategy will impact the individual, if at all. 38/ SEEDWORLD.COMJUNE 2024'