b'A look at seed industry developments around the globe.Australia invests inSTATUS AUSTRALIA The CFIA released anthe presence of Ug99 as a oats, Canada providedsIn a move to boost Australiasappendix titled Guidancehighly virulent race variant guidence on gene editedposition as a high-quality,on how to determine whentermed TTKTT. value-added oat producer,a plant-derived ingredientResults were obtained plants for animal feed andthe launch of a new research- requires a feed pre-marketfrom two field samples col-safeguarding Ukrainesfocused Oat Grain Qualityevaluation on its website.lected in early November Consortium (OGQC) marksThis document clarifies which2023 from off-season summer seeds. a pivotal moment for theplant-derived feed ingredientswheat crops. Migration of industry. need a pre-market evaluationUg99 from Africa to other Designed to capitalise onaccording to the Feeds Actregions, including South Asia, growing domestic and inter- and Feeds Regulations. It alsowas always seen as likely due national market opportunities,explains how to determine theto the transboundary nature the consortium is a collabo- novelty of ingredients derivedof the disease and long-dis-rative Grains Research andthrough plant breedingtance dispersal of rust spores Development Corporationtechniques for use in livestockby wind. (GRDC) investment aimed atfeeds.Detection of a Ug99 race addressing the crucial needThe CFIAs opinion ofin Nepal is not therefore a for innovation in oat qualitythe scientific literature is thatsurprise, but it highlights the research, informing oat qual- gene editing technologies doeffectiveness of the wheat ity classification and marketnot pose unique risks of harmrust surveillance and monitor-positioning.to human or animal healthing systems that have been More than $12.5 millionor the environment com- developed. The disease was invested in oats over fivepared to other plant breed- present at extremely low years as part of this collabo- ing technologies. As a result,levels in the fields in Nepal. rative research initiative. Thefeed ingredients derivedThe wheat on which investment includes $5.75mfrom gene-edited plants arethe Ug99 race TTKTT was from GRDC complementedregulated like all other prod- detected were fodder crops by $6.7m from researchucts of plant breeding underand cut soon after the sur-and industry partners.the Feeds Act and Feedsveys were completed, which Researchers will work with oatRegulations, with regulationprevented further buildup of millers and food and bever- based on the traits or char- disease. In addition, no wheat age processors to developacteristics of the product,is grown in the main season industry-relevant thresholdsregardless of its developmentin these areas.Extensive for traits such as flavor andmethod, the guidance states. follow up surveys in the area aroma, groat oil, beta-glucanand throughout other wheat and protein, and work withgrowing areas in the country breeding programs to identifySTATUS NEPAL resulted in no wheat being and provide germplasm andSuccessful global wheat dis- observed and no detection molecular tools to rapidlyease surveillance and moni- of stem rust. To date, exten-develop new oat varietiestoring has resulted in earlysive surveys in other coun-suited to high-value, end-usedetection of wheat stem rusttries in South Asia (Pakistan, market requirements. Ug99 in Nepal. A combinationBangladesh, Bhutan) have of vigilant field surveys andnot detected stem rust in sampling by Nepals National2023/24.STATUS CANADA Plant Pathology Research The ag sector is applaudingCentre and National Wheat the Canadian Food InspectionResearch Program, supportedSTATUS TANZANIAAgency (CFIA) for issuing itsby rigorous and accurateThe World Vegetable Center guidance which confirms thatdisease diagnostics at theofficially opened Africas gene edited plants are safe forGlobal Rust Reference CenterVegetable Genebank on use in livestock feed. (GRRC), Denmark, confirmedMarch 19, 2024, at its regional 44/ SEEDWORLD.COMJUNE 2024'