b'CONTENTS / JUNE 2024Features,continued Columns28 Opportunities and Challenges04From Our Deskof Hybrid Wheat Farm Bill MovementFinally.While hybridization offers many advantages and has benefited yields15 Government Funded Research is a Wasteful Squanderingin many crop types, it hasnt madeof Public Money. Or is it?its way into wheat in a big way yet. Its not an easy road to get it there. 20 People-Powered LeadershipHow do you catch your employees doing something right?30 Growing LeadersGlobally renowned leadership38 HR Handbookconsultant Pete Hammett will bePivot like a pro.presenting his top management and leadership development tips48 Giant Viewsat the ASTA Leadership Summit inThank gene editing for your morning cup of Joe.Nashville June 15.32 Cressing the ThresholdThe rapid rise of biofuel powerhouse pennycress.35 New Alliance Champions Intermediate Oilseed Crops for U.S. Biofuel Boom The Intermediate Oilseed Crop Alliance (IOCA), advocates for sus- 30 32tainable crops such as pennycress and camelina to meet rising biofuel demands and support environmental goals. Special Sections36 Women Breaking New Ground and Building Inclusivity in the22 INSIDERSSeed Industry Problems tackling an issue in your business? Cant seem to find a Realizing the industrys need forcreative solution? Our INSIDERS are here to provide advice, tackling more diversity in leadership. problems from social media to seed sizing to stewardship.40 Digital Agriculture is Helping Mitigate the Effects of Extreme Weather On The CoverFrom drones to other technologiesIn Every Issuethat enable us to see things in theJanae Brady photographed by field that weve never been able to44 World Status Cassidy Duhon.see before, digital advancementsduhonphotography.comare helping our industry cope with46 Industry Newsclimate change.2/ SEEDWORLD.COMJUNE 2024'