b'Samantha BockSamantha is the customer engagement leader at SePRO Corporation. She leads the team responsible for delivering the brand experience for SePROs business units that include agriculture, turf and ornamental and aquatics. With more than 13 years of experience in strategic marketing, effective communi-cation and using technology to overcome challenges in the agriculture industry, she is passionate about building brand loyalty through memorable customer experiences. Katrina Bishop Prior to SePRO, she served as the mar- Chris BoomsmaKatrina is the Senior Director of Strategicketing director for Advanced AgrilyticsChris is the CEO of the Council for Communications at the American Seedand its research division Ag IngenuityAgricultural Science and Technology Trade Association (ASTA), joining inPartners. Throughout her career, shes also(CAST). Chris leads the organization in December 2023. She focuses on show- held corporate communications and com- communicating credible, science-based casing the seed industrys innovativemercial marketing roles with AgReliantinformation to legislators, regulators, and sustainable technologies, aiming forGenetics and Inari.policymakers, the media, the private better seeds, better crops, and a betterSamantha has a B.S. in agriculturalsector, and the public at regional, national, world. Her political communicationscommunication from Purdue University asand international levels. Prior to joining expertise bolsters the associations advo- well as an MBA from Ball State University.CAST, Chris was the director of education cacy for cohesive policies, enabling theShe enjoys staying active in the indus- for the American Society of Agronomy, seed industrys innovative research andtry, currently serving on Indiana CropCrop Science Society of America and development at all levels. Improvement Associations board of direc- Soil Science Society of America and Before joining ASTA, Katrina led thetors and its Corn Belt Seed Conferencethe director of science and strategy for public affairs team for the Association ofplanning committee.Decode 6. He previously served in various Equipment Manufacturers, shaping theWhy she serves on the Seed Worldleadership, research and product develop-narrative around the industrys policyU.S. ment roles at Purdue University and Doweditorial board: Seed World maga-priorities and grassroots mobilizationzine has been an invaluable resourceAgroSciences. efforts. Katrina also played a key role inthroughout my career journey in the seedChris holds a bachelors degree in plant AEMs advocacy efforts on the ground,industry. Serving on the editorial boardscience from Dordt University and a Ph.D. including events such as A Celebrationgives us a chance to collaborate andin crop physiology and agronomy from of Modern Agriculture on the Nationalcontribute feedback that keeps contentPurdue, is a Certified Crop Adviser and Mall and dozens of elected official facilityrelevant, engaging, and actionable amongProfessional Agronomist, also serves on visits each year. Katrina began her careerindustry professionals. numerous boards, in public affairs on Capitol Hill, serving asWhy he serves on the Seed World communications director for a memberU.S. editorial board: Because the publi-of Congress for seven years. She holdscation brings important and timely news a B.A. in psychology from the Georgeand information to an audience that has a Washington University. significant positive influence on American Why she serves on the Seed Worldand international agriculture. The seed U.S. industry is pivotal to a sustainable agricul- editorial board: Being new to the seed industry, I was grateful to have Seedtural system, and serving on the editorial World as a resource to get me up to speedboard gives me an avenue by which I can on the latest news, technology, and trends.help support an industry that has been Im excited to work with my colleagues toa crucial part of my career and remains discover ways to reach new audiences,a vital sector in my current work. It is a inviting them to learn more about thisprivilege to serve with my fellow edito-dynamic and innovative industry thatrial board members to identify the latest plays a critical role in Americas agricul- trends and topics that will be impacting tural sector. the seed industry.JUNE 2024SEEDWORLD.COM /13'