b'PARTNER CONTENTTest time: How Well Do YouKnow Seed Treatments? By: Davie WilsonQuestion 1: Whats most important: the germplasm, Question 3: What is the likelihood that nematodes are the traits or the seed treatment? lurking in my fields? Question 2: What are the key parts to an effective seedQuestion 4: If nematodes are everywhere, why arent we treatment?talking more about them? ANSWERS1: if you figured out that this is a trick question, youd be right. Though most3: 100%. Nematodesmicroscopic roundworms - are ubiquitous to all soil. growers default to saying the germplasm is the most important, the germplasmWhether the nematodes in your soil are spreading pathogens and / or impacting can only live up to its potential if it is protected by effective biotech traits andcrop yield by feeding on corn roots depends on the specific species of nematodes seed treatment. The three components function seamlessly together (and, forand their populations. While I cant answer exactly whats in your soil without a that reason, are pre-applied to every bag of Bayer corn seed sold). Ultimately,soil test, heres what I do know: since combining Acceleron N314 nematicide to whether it be a biotech trait that takes care of corn rootworm, corn borer or cornour seed treatment package, weve seen a consistent 4.8 bushel yield increase earworm; a fungicide seed treatment that ensures plants dont die prematurelyacross our more than 100 trial sites spread across the US and Canada. The yield from a fungal pathogen like pythium or fusarium; or a nematicide seedboost from Acceleron N-314 is in addition to the already realized gains that the treatmentspecifically our new Acceleron N314 thats rolling out this spring - toAcceleron corn seed treatment platform delivers. Together, these yield promoting keep microscopic roundworms from sucking plants to death, its pretty muchand yield protecting components provide the very best opportunity for our impossible to separate yield delivered by a corn seeds germplasm from the yieldgermplasm to meet its potential.protected by that seeds traits and seed treatment.4: Great question. Theres a lot of awareness of nematodes in soybeans and 2: If youre like almost anyone, your answer will have started with insecticidecotton, but theres not a lot of awareness in corn. I think its a question of very and fungicide. Right and rightthose are two critical components, but just themuch out of sight, out of mind for producers. At this point, its almost like the tail start. Biologicals are an increasing opportunity to support early plant vigour.wagging the dog: its not growers asking for the addition of a nematicide to their Expect this aspect of seed treatments to really take off in the coming years.seed treatment, its us as a company recognizing the need. Most growers arent Nematicides are component four. Extensive trials show that our Acceleron N314going to base their corn seed product decisions on our addition of a nematicide. nematicide, a part of our latest corn seed treatment and seamlessly integratedBut that doesnt mean its not an extremely critical part of protecting that into corn sold under the Bayer Brands banners, consistently delivers yieldgermplasm investment. protection across trial acres. Were proud to be a frontrunner in terms of delivering a nematicide product that works. Weve seen some of our competitors come out with nematicides that maybe didnt have as much research, werent as effective, or had issues at application. Acceleron N314 nematicide seed treatment is the first seed treatment nematicide in corn with two modes of action and that really does what growers need it to do. JUNE 2024SEEDWORLD.COM /11'