b'New Alliance Champions Intermediate Oilseed Crops for U.S. Biofuel BoomThe Intermediate Oilseed Crop Alliance (IOCA), advocates for sustainable crops such as pennycress and camelina to meet rising biofuel demands and support environmental goals.Treena HeinIN RESPONSE TO THEgrowing global and U.S. demandThe alliance is working to ensure all growers that may benefit for significantly higher biofuel volume, a new U.S. indus- from growing camelina, carinata and pennycress are aware of try initiative called the Intermediate Oilseed Crop Alliancethe crops. Limited numbers of farmers have already grown one (IOCA) was created in 2023. Current IOCA members includeor more of the crops one or more times and word is spreading. CoverCress Inc., Nuseed, Global Clean Energy, Vision BioenergyPeoples says camelina growers shared with his team and other Oilseeds and Yield10 Bioscience. farmers how impressed they are with its drought tolerance and Together we are advocating for awareness and adoptionability to withstand multiple freeze-thaw cycles. of our respective crops as the primary feedstocks that can beNuseed Groups Brent Zacharias reports that growers across grown across much of the U.S. and are expected to contributethe United States and Latin America are increasingly aware of the greatest volumes for biofuel production, alliance representa- the value improved agricultural management practices can have tives say. Tremendous attention on the need to improve climate/ locally on soil and the environment. He adds that the global ben-environmental conditions through cleaner-burning fuels viaefits are for feedstock and lower carbon fuels. federal support (both financial and policy) are driving demandTo ensure farmers have a market for intermediate oilseeds, for biofuels. IOCA is building a supply chain physically capable of handling The opportunities for new oilseed crops in the production ofsmall oilseeds and flexible enough to accept new counter-season sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) and other fuels is outlined in thegrain in early summer. IOCA officials say more offtake agree-U.S. Department of Agricultures report Building A Resilient Aments that connect the field-to-fuel value chain are needed, Biomass Supply: A Plan to Enable the Bioeconomy in America. along with federal funding and incentives that stimulate supply The alliance says pennycress may generate added revenuechain infrastructure.for farmers, improve soil health, function as a cover crop, andDon Panter, CEO of Vision Bioenergy Oilseeds, adds that help mitigate food versus fuel concerns. IOCA is also working to ensure there is crop insurance for all Yield10 CEO Olly Peoples reports that in his teams discus- three crops and determining how planting these intermediate sions with many growers from Kansas to Western Canada, itscrops might affect crop insurance for the main growing season very clear they are excited about new revenue opportunities,crops.especially in winter crops.Most of the recent carbon neutrality targets published by There are 180 million acres each year in Canada and the U.S.fuel companies and airlines will require low-carbon intensity planted with corn and soybeans and most of it lies fallow duringfeedstocks to achieve, Panter says. The intermediate crops sup-the winter, he says. We arent making any new land. Theseported by the IOCA can meet the low-carbon intensity require-crops are a win for the farmer in terms of revenue and soil health,ments, fit into current crop rotations and generate new revenue for the nation concerning domestic fuel security and for thefor farmers. This is a win for not only consumers and producers, planet, in terms of reduced fossil fuel use. but also for the environment as well.SWJUNE 2024SEEDWORLD.COM /35'