b"USDA Undersecretary Moffitt Joins International Discussion on Regulatory Approaches to Genome-edited PlantsCollaboration between USDA, FDA and EPA uses a scientific-based regulatory framework for global biotech leadership. Aimee NielsonU.S. DEPARTMENT OFAgriculture (USDA) Undersecretary Jenny Moffitt joined an international panel discussion about regulatory approaches to genome-edited plants at the 2024 American Seed Trade Associations (ASTA) Vegetable and Flower Conference. Undersecretary Moffitt oversees marketing and regula-tory programs at USDA.Undersecretary Moffitt highlighted the collaboration between USDA, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in her address.This framework that we havethe sci-entific-based regulatory frameworkhas allowed the United States to be a global leader when it comes to biotechnology, Moffitt said. Genetic engineering comes from a continuum of breeding methods farmers have been using for decades.(L-R) ASTA President & CEO Andy LaVigne, Undersecretary Jenny Moffitt and the current She explained that USDA Animal and Plantchair of ASTA, David Armstrong.Health Inspection Service (APHIS) has worked for nearly 40 years to hone regula- Developers are not innovating withUndersecretary Moffitt to talk about the tory expertise to create sound policiesplants like ornamentals, vegetables andimportance of modernized regulations and regulations that foster innovation andfruit trees and traits aimed at improv- and their potential impact on the global ensure product and agricultural safety. ing nutrition and the use of naturalcompetitiveness of the American seed In 2020, after decades of experienceresources. Importantly, APHIS has keptsector.and advances, APHIS began shifting theirtheir eye on implementing policies thatCertainly, Im not a seed developer, regulations to recognize biotechnology asenable producers to grow products thatbut I know as a farmer, being able to really a conventional breeding tool when usedare best for them by promoting coexist- approach a government that is working to develop plants that are also achievableence of biotechnology, conventional andtogether, that understands what each through traditional breeding methods,organic crops. Regarding internationalother is working onhelps new compa-she said. The impacts of these exemp- collaboration, she emphasized, We havenies, companies that are not just new, but tions have been substantial. Moffitthad trilateral technical working groupsalso smaller in size and scope and don't said that since 2020, small- to mid-sizedbetween the United States, Mexico andhave the same resources, be able to navi-companies, rather than large and well- Canada that meet regularly to discussgate the regulatory framework and much funded entities have dominated innova- biotechnology advancements and regula- more coordinated approach and be able tive biotechnology advances. She saidtory decisions. to understand where to begin and how to that it goes beyond traditional row cropDuring the Q&A session, Seednavigate our regulatory framework here developers. World U.S. editor Aimee Nielson askedin the United States, she responded.SW10/ SEEDWORLD.COMJUNE 2024"