b"be a next farm bill. There have been farm bills that have taken multiple efforts to get through Congress, and farm bills that have been vetoed by the President. This farm bill process has its own set of unique challenges. Had I not been open to new experiences, The fact that this is an election year adds to the challenges of passing a new farm bill. I might have missed where I am now.Of course, we are operating under an extension and withJanae Brady it being an election year, its challenging to get floor time and attention focused on passing the farm bill, Brady explains. Congress is actively working on moving the bill forward, but there are some overarching political issues playing into it, includ-ing how key pieces of the legislation will be funded.She notes that ASTA is constantly pushing for the advance-ment of the farm bill and urging Congress to prioritize fund-ing areas that matter to the seed industry, such as agricultural that ongoing technological advancements are crucial for theresearch programs. industrys survival and growth. We have to continue to embrace new technologies . toEmpowering the Next Generationreally be able to survive, she asserts, underscoring her commit- For those aspiring to careers in agricultural policy or advocacy, ment to advocating for federal policies that support innovation inBrady offers advice that reflects her own experiences: the seed industry. Always be open to what might be the next perfect fit for She attributes much of her success to her background andyou. She encourages and emphasizes flexibility and openness, having a strong team of leaders at ASTA.qualities that have guided her through a career that has spanned We have an incredible team that is constantly communicat- education, policy and advocacy.ing about how we can support each other and tackle challengesHer years as a teacher taught her a lot about helping others that were facing, she says. A big part of what I do is interfac- succeed. She says building trust in those who learn from you is ing with Congress, with congressional members and with theirparamount. She also emphasizes that new opportunities dont staff. I think if we were to put it down to a few words, its buildingalways take the form you expect. relationships. Its good to have a plan in place for what you want to do, She said a big part of her role is making sure ASTA has strongbut don't be so stuck on that plan that you miss an opportunity, relationships with their members. They rely on those relationshipsshe emphasizes. When I went to graduate school, at George to know about issues and to help members understand whatWashington University, I was actually focusing more on the those issues mean to the wider seed and agricultural industries.museum education world. Had I not been open to new experi-ences, I might have missed where I am now. Just always be open Neutralizing Polarizing Politics to what might be the next perfect fit for you. Because I just Brady has to keep her finger on the pulse of myriad issues incouldn't think of a better path to have ended up on.D.C., many of them are quite divisive. Shes noticed a shift over the last decade in how policy is discussed and the inaction thatLife Beyond the Officeresults.Outside of her professional life, Brady finds solace in nature. The polarization of our political system has an impact onShe enjoys hiking, camping, and reconnecting with the land, everything, she says. If youre paying attention to Congress rightactivities that offer a break from the intensity of her work in D.C. now, you know that it's taken months and months and months toThese moments are not only recreational but also a reconnec-be able to get our government funded so that we can continuetion to her agricultural roots and a reminder of the values she to do the work people expect the government to do. It's reallystrives to represent.hard when those sorts of things are happening, to be able to haveShe prioritizes getting back to Kansas and spending time with conversations about moving a farm bill or dealing with some ofher family. Whether fishing with her dad in southeastern Kansas, the geopolitical issues that are happening right now. or visiting the farm out west, the Plains state will always be a place of grounding.Speaking of the Delayed Farm Bill There are certainly days depending on what's going on in Brady has worked on several farm bills during her tenure onD.C., where I crave just going out and driving a tractor for a day Capitol Hill and shes studied farm bills that preceded them.and putting in real work, she says. But more than anything, They all have unique challenges, she says. There haveI'm just very grateful that I was raised in that sort of environment always been questions about whether or not there would evenand with those sorts of qualities and work ethic. SW8/ SEEDWORLD.COMJUNE 2024"