b'center for Eastern andvegetable genetic resources.strategy for resource mobiliza- Subsequently, the UNs Southern Africa, in Arusha,This initiative not only pre- tion and the development ofFood and Agriculture Tanzania. This state-of-the- serves valuable plant geneticUkraines genebank system,Organization (FAO), in art facility replaces a seedmaterial, but also facilitatesboth in the short and longcollaboration with the repository that was estab- research, breeding and devel- term.International Plant Treaty and lished in 1992, later upgradedopment efforts to enhanceFollowing Russias invasionthe international organization into a genebank in 2017. Theagricultural productivity andof Ukraine in February 2022,Crop Trust, established a seed inauguration of the genebankresilience. scientists worldwide reachedduplicate storage facility in marks an important milestoneout to the international plantwestern Ukraine. Mykola Roik, for WorldVeg and its workgenetic resources community,Vice President of the National on ensuring the collection,STATUS UKRAINE expressing concerns aboutAgricultural Science Academy, conservation, characteriza- NordGen hosted a meetingthe genebank in Kharkiv andpresented a long-term strat-tion, regeneration, and datawith the Ukrainian genebankits invaluable collection ofegy to secure the genebank management of vegetableand several internationalseeds and plants.collection for the future at a germplasm.experts to address the urgentIn response, NordGenmeeting in Alnarp, Sweden. The facility includes seedneed to safeguard Ukrainessought funding from theThe meeting, organized by processing and drying facili- plant genetic resources forNovo Nordisk Foundation toNordGen, was attended by ties, an acquisition room, cli- food and agriculture, whichaddress the Ukrainian gen- international experts from mate-controlled seed storage,are currently at risk due to theebanks most pressing needs,organizations including the and a seed testing laboratory,ongoing Russian invasion ofincluding salaries for gen- International Plant Treaty, FAO providing a robust foundationUkraine. The primary focus ofebank employees and dieselUkraine, Crop Trust, and the for safeguarding and utilizingthe meeting was to devise agenerators.German government. SWDELIVER YOUR INVESTMENTQUICKLY AND SAFELYSEED PRO BULK BOX CARRIERDeliver your seed investment quickly and safely during the narrow planting window with a patented self-filling Seed Runner or Seed Pro seed tender!The exclusive rubber conveyor belt features offset, U-shaped cleats that are integrally molded into the belt for unmatched durability. After countless hours of research and testing, it was proven thatSEED RUNNER the U-shaped cleats increase carrying capacity while the offset design protects the seed as it moves through theBULK TANK TENDERconveyor tube. The bottom line? Youll protect your investment and fill your planter faster with an Unverferth seed tender! SEED TENDERSGET SAFE, EFFICIENT SEED DELIVERY. UNVERFERTH MFG. CO., INC. Visit UMequip.com or seeP.O. BOX 357, KALIDA, OH 45853your nearest dealer today. UNVERFERTH.COM419.532.3121JUNE 2024SEEDWORLD.COM /45'