b"American Seed Companies See OpportunityKevin Diehl is the is the director of globalchange. Genome editing can speed up the breeding process, genome editing regulatory policy for Cortevaallowing for quicker adaptation of crops to conditions like Agriscience. He grew up in agriculture ondrought, making them more resilient.the family farm in central Iowa and earned a bachelors degree in agronomy and agricul- SW: How do you engage with stakeholders like farmers and tural studies from Iowa State University andeven consumers to foster understanding and acceptance of a Ph.D. in plant physiology and weed sciencegenome-edited crops?from the University of Illinois. He has workedDiehl: We're always in close contact with farmers, our primary for DuPont, DuPont Pioneer and now Cortevacustomers, to understand their needs and improve our tools Agriscience. accordingly. We also engage with downstream stakeholders like food processors, retailers, and consumer groups. This dialogue SW: Regarding the complex European regulatory situation,helps us address their needs and discuss how gene editing could you describe some of the major regulatory hurdles thatcan provide solutions, such as improving the shelf life of fresh seed companies face when introducing genetically editedproduce. Working with entities like the Center for Food Integrity, seeds into the European market? we've helped develop responsible use guidelines to help people Diehl: Genome editing allows breeders to use a plant's ownunderstand and be comfortable with this technology in their DNA to make changes efficiently, much like traditional breedingfood supply.but without introducing DNA from other species, unlike GMOs. However, the lack of regulatory clarity in countries we trade with, like the EU, creates challenges due to the global nature of our business. The EU is considering regulating these technolo-gies more pragmatically, which could provide certainty around timelines and the necessary regulatory science, ultimately drivingTheres tremendous opportunity in Europe for innovation and creating more sustainable products.enhancing productivity and addressing issues like SW: How do the EU's regulatory standards for genome-edited crops compare with those of other markets, likedisease resistance, which is increasingly important Brazil? as climates and production practices change.Diehl: The current EU proposal isn't finalized yet, so it's hard to say exactly what it will look like. However, it is moving in a posi-Kevin Diehltive direction. Countries like Brazil and others in Latin America, as well as Canada and the U.S., have regulatory systems that distinguish between GMOs and products of genome editing, treating the latter more like an extension of traditional breeding. These countries are more innovation-friendly, which allows for more efficient and effective delivery of new products. SW: Could you talk about any collaborations or partnerships that Corteva is involved within Europe to advance the accept-SW: What are some common misconceptions or challengesance of genome-edited agricultural products?you face when explaining the science of genome editing toDiehl: Corteva has an open innovation platform that fosters European regulators? creativity and sparks global innovation. We offer CRISPR-Cas Diehl: One challenge is the misconception that innovation intechnology licenses to various entities, including many in the EU, agriculture isn't necessarythat it can remain static. However,working on vegetables and row crops. This broad collaboration innovation is crucial for addressing food security and adapting toensures that when regulatory policies permit, these entities will changing climates. It's important to communicate that technol- be ready to commercialize their innovations.ogy can drive sustainability and enhance productivity, not just for large companies like Corteva but across the industry. SW: Whats your outlook regarding gene editings future?Diehl: It's exciting to discuss the technology and innovations at SW: What opportunities does the European market presentCorteva, but it's also vital to have the right regulatory framework for genome editing technologies in agriculture? and consumer acceptance to see these innovations adopted. Diehl: There's tremendous opportunity in Europe for enhancingGene editing has vast potential to address food security and productivity and addressing issues like disease resistance, whichimprove food quality, and I'm optimistic about what we can is increasingly important as climates and production practicesachieve with these tools.JUNE 2024SEEDWORLD.COM /17"