b'the seeds planted by farmersSTATUS TURKEY both TMV and TOMV, but thisUnited Sorghum Checkoff are fake, a reality replicatedThe Tomato Brown Rugosenew virus broke the resistance.Program (USCP) and the across many African countries.Fruit Virus (ToBRF) virusThe symptoms are similar toNational Sorghum Producers In the new initiative, the Africanhas been found in Turkey.the PepMV. (NSP) and work with the U.S. Union Development Agency- The British Society for PlantDepartment of Agricultures NEPAD (AUDA-NEPAD)Pathology confirms findingForeign Agricultural Service and the African Agriculturalof the virus in Antalya green- STATUS VIETNAM (USDA-FAS) and Animal Technology Foundationhouses in their magazine NewA new pest risk assess- and Plant Health Inspection (AATF) have signed a col- Disease Reports. ToBRFV hasment has been approved byService (USDA-APHIS), as laboration agreement that willbeen popping up on tomatoboth the U.S. Departmentwell as regulators and industry among others facilitate a jointgrowing sites all over the world.of Agriculture (USDA)in Vietnam.method of ensuring qualityAccording to EPPO, the virusand Vietnams MinistryIt also highlights the seeds are available to farmers. was confirmed in Germany,of Agriculture and Ruralimportance of addressing a Denis Kyetere, the execu- Israel, Italy, Jordan, Mexico andDevelopment (MARD), open- wide range of constraints to tive director of AATF saidthe U.S.and since its noting the door for U.S. sorghumnew demand opportunities the collaboration provides ana quarantaine virus in everyto flow into the country forfor U.S. ag products and col-opportunity for the smallholdercountry, making it not obligedhigh-value uses including petlaboration among U.S. agri-farmers to benefit from innova- to report infection, and sincefood and liquor. culture groups with access to tive and value-adding agricul- it is easily confused with TMV,This opening followsspecialized knowledge about tural technologies. this list might not be complete.nearly five years of col- the many details of commod-Almost all current availablelaborative efforts by the U.S.ity exports. SWtomato varieties are resistant toGrains Council (USGC), the Restoration & ReclamationSustainable LandscapesPollinator HabitatConservationBiomassernstseed.comsales@ernstseed.com800-873-3321JUNE 2020SEEDWORLD.COM /79'