b'Plant Breeders Rights (PBR) owner ofBased on the answers a submission the initial variety can allow the EDV to behas been made to UPOV recently. used or not, she says. However, AustraliaThis shows a rather united view says it shouldnt be possible for the owneramong the breeders com-of the initial variety to block a derivedmunity. Most of them are variety which possesses an importantsatisfied with the EDV-trait for the market. This now especiallyprovision and many comes up in context of the rise of genebreeders act accordingly editing technology as this enhances thein their own breeding possibility to introduce new traits in exist- practices. Nonetheless, ing germplasm. The breeders argue thatmore clarification this new trait could have been introducedis asked for espe-in any variety, but a deliberate choicecially regarding this is made to use a protected variety ofso-called Australian another breeder. approach.The baseline of this modificationAt their last meet-of the Explanatory Notes would be toing in October 2019, provide clarity and ensure no confusionUPOV members on how to interpret this note, as we haveadopted a resolution reasons to believe that there is and will beto open the Explanatory misinterpretation. Note. Following the submis-Pla agrees: The misinterpretationsion on breeders practices, comes into play if you have a new varietyUPOV should adopt Terms of that was created using an initial varietyReference in October 2020 to act but has a new important agronomicthe creation of a new working group trait. Depending on interpretations of thedrafting the new Explanatory Note. above-mentioned concepts, this newThe seed sector hopes to get a seat asBernice Slutsky serves as senior vice variety could not be considered as anobserver to actively participate in clarify- president of innovation for the American EDV. Therefore, the breeder of the initialing these complex but needed concept. Seed Trade Association as well as chair of variety cannot retrieve any new returnsthe ISF Working Group on Plant Breeding from the use of this new variety, which isEducating on Plant BreedingInnovation. not acceptable.InnovationAnother question was brought upOne of the other major aspects of ISFs questioning whether the EDV concept iswork surrounds plant breeding innova- leader in developing their policies and working well, because there are not sotion (PBI), and more specifically, gettingworking on harmonizing them. many litigations, de Roos says. Is it clear,the word out about why PBI is so impor- Countries in South America use the or is it so unclear that people wont starttant, and why its necessary to make agri- criteria of novel genetic combination to litigate?culture more sustainable for the future.to determine which products fall under In the last meeting of UPOV mem- Especially in a time where so manytheir GMO regulations, Slutsky says as bers, ISF explained the fact that there iscountries are developing new regulations,an example of how they work to decide little litigation is not showing the failureBernice Slutsky, senior vice president ofwhat will be treated as a GMO or what but in contrary the success of the EDV- innovation for the American Seed Tradewill not. If you use gene editing to make principle, De Roos says. However, UPOVAssociation and chair of the ISF Workinga targeted deletion, for example, that will only start working on the amendmentGroup on Plant Breeding Innovation,application would not meet the criteria of of this note if they have more backgroundbelieves its important to have as muchmaking a novel genetic combination, and regarding the practices and problems ofknowledge as possible around the ideatherefore, that product would fall outside breeders. of PBI. the GMO regulations.This is where ISF has stepped in. Were seeing countries and regionsTherefore, South America makesISF and a few different organizationsmove forward and develop their policies,determinations on a case-by-case basis. like Croplife, CIOPORA and Euroseedsshe says. These are focused on deter- One of the trends weve seen is if made a survey and sent it out to compa- mining the criteria on what they will useyoure working within the parameters that nies to get more background informationto determine whether particular productsplant breeders have always worked in, from companies on the subject of EDVs,will fall inside or outside particular bio- those products wouldnt be subject to a De Roos says. We have received manytech/GMO regulations. premarket approval process that biotech reactions from breeders in different cropsAccording to Slutsky, currently coun- or GMOs would have to go through, she and from different geographical regions.tries in South America have been thesays. Theres also some big unknowns. 74/ SEEDWORLD.COMJUNE 2020'