b'available when the variety is available onis the position of ISF to extend the list to the market. all crops for breeding and at least plant Of course, it takes anywhere fromgenetic resources for food and agriculture.seven to 10 years to breed a new varietyVegetable breeders use a bit more and get it on the market. genetic resources from seed banks, Its only now that seed companiesso it becomes a problem if the SMTA start sending money to the benefit shar- isnt expanded to vegetables, she says. ing fund of the ITPGRFA, from the varie- However, some gene banks use the ties accessed 10 years ago with a SMTA,SMTA and extend it to all crops within she says. Maybe money will flow in, buttheir germplasmin fact, the first we cant promise anything.benefit-sharing money that came into the The point is that the expectations offund came from a non-listed crop.the amount of money coming into theHowever, even with some of these Benefit-sharing Fund are all different, vanissues, ISF is still positive that one day, the den Hurk says. Its hard to pinpoint whosgoverning body will be able to find a solu-right and whos wrong. However, compa- tion to make a harmonized SMTA.nies will only participate in the system if itThe Working Group that was nego-makes business sense, and they cant dotiating the new terms of the SMTA is notAnke van den Hurk serves as deputy that if the rate is too high. going to meet in 2020 or 2021its up todirector of Plantum.However, one of the other bigger con- the countries and up to the region to keep tention points surrounded the idea of DSI.the discussion alive, Khan Niazi says. ISF This has been boiling up now for theis here to keep the dialogue alive with past three years, says Paul Olson, Plantwhoever wants to start talking about Variety Protection and Germplasm leadit. While the dialogue isnt dead, it has for KWS. DSI is now something someslowed down. But we are here to keepISF is here to keep the dialogue countries are very vocal about and wantdiscussing. alive with whoever wants to start to see in the scope of the SMTA. We need to be ready to continue to According to the Food and Agriculturetalk with governments, Olson says. Ontalking about it. While the dialogue Organization (FAO), DSI plays a funda- an informal basis, governments will prob-mental role in environmental and biologi- ably start talking to each other more toisnt dead, it has slowed down. But cal research because it contributes to thehelp each other understand the issues.we are here to keep discussing. understanding of the molecular basis ofIndustry needs to be prepared to share life and evolution. However, the FAO alsoour reactions and experiences during this Hlne Khan Niazistates that currently, there is no agreedwaiting period.upon definition for DSI due to differ-ences in terminology in scientific circles,Striving for a Systems Approachwhich reflects differences in the materialAnother task that ISF has been working referred to.towards for a few years is the promotion Theres no definition around DSI, andfor the adoption of a Systems Approach no one knows how to define it, Khanwhen it comes to the international move-Niazi says. All eyes are on the Conventionment of seed. The ISF goal is to facilitate of Biological Diversity (CBD) and thethe international movement of seed by Nagoya Protocol the topic has comesupporting the development of Systems up in both organizations, and if the CBDApproach as an alternative option to the decides on a definition for DSI, the inter- current phytosanitary certification system.national treaty will probably have to goSystems Approach is one of the with it. activities that the ISF Phytosanitary Were lobbying to keep DSI out of theCommittee is actively working towards, scope of these regulations, van den Hurksays Michael Leader, seed regulatory lead says. Were convinced that if its out ofof Asia and Africa for Bayer Crop Science. the scope, it is better for everyone. Currently, we still have consignment-by-The final problem was the limit on theconsignment certification.crops that the SMTA extends to. Systems Approach is not a newMichael Leader serves as seed regulatory There are some major crops, suchconcept, although it has not been usedlead of Asia and Africa for Bayer Crop as soy and many vegetables that arentfor the movement of seeds. For theScience.included in the list, says van den Hurk. Itseed companies a multilateral Systems 68/ SEEDWORLD.COMJUNE 2020'