b'Leader says. For example,Systems Approach certification with its already used in fresha generic Phytosanitary Certificate, apples. In terms of thewhich does not specify individual pests, seed industry, this con- but which guarantee the total check of cept is new, and it willthe phytosanitary safe state regarding be less trade restricted.pests which concerned seeds could be a Were already address- pathway.ing plant health risksOn average, the large majority of during our processesregulated pests for the seed havent be and treatments duringproven that seed is a pathway of intro-production. If currentduction of the pest under natural condi-industry best practicestions in the field, Leader says. can be considered by theA Systems Approach may include National Plant Protectiongeneral requirements such as risk evalua-Organizations (NPPOs)tion, pest monitoring and reporting, pest when they are assessing therisk management and a documented risks, that will help the inter- quality management system with checks national movement of seeds. and inspections at specific points during Leader says that one of thethe growing season, Souza Richards reasons the adoption of Systemssays. The documented quality manage-Approach would help the seed indus- ment system (QMS) will be audited and try is the reduction on the number ofapproved/recognized by the exporting extra seed health tests that are currentlycountry. Further, the International Plant Rose Souza Richards recently joined the ISFrequired for the industry to completeProtection Convention (IPPC) is embark-team as Seed Health manager.when exporting to different countries.ing on the drafting of an Annex to ISPM38 These extra tests are expensive and add(Design and use of Systems Approaches more time causing delays during sowingfor phytosanitary certification of seeds), Approach would be most suitable,season.which may lead to a harmonized frame-compared to the already implementedOften, we dont know where the finalwork for Systems Approach and guid-Systems Approaches (fruits and vegeta- country will be for the seed lots at allance to NPPOs on approval of industry bles for export) based on ISPM14, whichtimesdue to drought or other condi- production practices and an audit pro-are via bilateral agreements betweentions, seeds can end up going to differentcess that can be implemented globally. countries. says Rose Souza Richards,countries other than what initially wasThe Annex provides an opportunity to Seed Health manager of ISF.intended, he says. Having governmentsharmonize seed regulations which would Souza Richards explains that underrecognize our processes and treatmentsfacilitate global seed trade.a Systems Approach certification theduring the production system means weLeader says one of the most impor-import and export of seed will happen incan get seed where and when its needed. tant things now to support a Systems a certified supply chain, based on currentIn some countries, we just cant getApproach is to talk to governments and industry pest management practices. Thethe seed to the growers, he says. Wheneducate them on how seed is produced.International Standard for Phytosanitaryyou look at the food security window, youGovernments are used to apples Measures Number 38 (ISPM 38) alreadydont get the full benefits of that germ- getting produced in one country and recognizes that many pest managementplasm. When we need to feed the worldthen being sent to another, but they dont practices throughout the seed productionin a sustainable manner, theres seed thatunderstand how seed gets to a grower, process (e.g. pre-harvest, harvest, post- could be used that isnt getting used.he says. Were trying to show them how harvest) can be included under a SystemsA Systems Approach would be a win- that happens. We explain the breeding Approach.All in all, Systems Approachwin solution for governments as well asprocess, the testing process, how we would be a more sustainable solutionindustry. choose our growers to do our produc-instead of todays consignment-by-con- The idea is that under a Systemstion, how we clean the seed, how we try signment certification system. Approach certification the movement ofto remove diseased or bad quality seed However, Leader also mentions thatseed will happen in a more predictableand finally, where seed may go. We try the Systems Approach wouldnt replaceway, Souza Richards says. In return, theto show them the problems associated the current systemit would merely beprocess will become more efficient.with where weve found problems of how offered as an alternative to the currentSouza Richards explains that seedspests are regulated around the world, but consignment-by-consignment inspections.produced under a certified supply chainwe need to give them more.Systems Approach has been imple- by approved producers, can be movedBut, when it comes to a timeline of mented in a number of things already,between countries that recognize thewhen the Systems Approach could be 70/ SEEDWORLD.COMJUNE 2020'