b'WWOORRKKIINNGGBBEEHHIINNDDt SCCEENNEESSthSheeEven with the effects of COVID-19, ISFs committees are working hard to continue their work to maintain ISFs ultimate goal:a world where the best quality seed is accessible to all.Alex MartinEVERY ORGANIZATION HASto reach a 100% consensus to approve people who work tirelessly behind thechanges to the SMTA. And, of course, scenes. Those committees, while theireveryone on the governing body is look-updates might not be in the news everying for something different to benefit day, are constantly lobbying, writingfrom the Multilateral System. proposals and thinking of better ways toIf theres one country, even a small improve their industry. one, saying no, then everything is stuck, The International Seed FederationKhan Niazi says. Some are looking for (ISF) is no different. more finance to come into the Benefit-Due to the ramifications of COVID-19sharing Fund, while others were more worldwide, this years ISF World Seedconcerned about discussing digital Congress will be held virtually. ISF andsequencing information, and how that fits their committees continue to work behindinto the puzzle. the scenes to lobby and advocate theAnke van den Hurk, deputy director of best interests of the seed industry.Plantum, says that there were three items Seed World chatted with some mem- that really affected the outcome of the bers of the ISF committees to hear moreHlne Khan Niazi serves as ISFSMTA:about whats happening in some of theseinternational agriculture manager.1. The payment rates realms.2. Digital Sequence Information (DSI)3. The list of crops for which the SMTA Whats Next After the Failure tocan be usedAgree on a Better SMTA? Despite this failure, ISF believes theFirst, the question was if theres a In November 2019, the governing body ofITPGRFA remains the preferred tool forpayment rate, how high is the rate? the International Treaty on Plant Geneticaccess- and benefit-sharing of geneticvan den Hurk says. The second was on Resources for Food and Agricultureresources for plant breeders, and weDSIthere was no agreement on that. (ITPGRFA) met to negotiate a newneed to continue to strive for a new SMTAFinally, the SMTA only applies to 64 crops, Standard Material Transfer Agreementand other enhancements of the Treaty. and some countries only wanted a new (SMTA) under the ITPGRFAs multilateralThis contract is agreed upon bysystem if it was extended to all crops.system of access- and benefit-sharing.all the countries that are members ofKhan Niazi says the payment rate has Unfortunately, much to the disappoint- the international treaty, says Hlnebeen a point of contention and is rather ment of the seed sector, the governingKhan Niazi, ISF international agriculturaldifficult to discuss. body was unable to come to terms onmanager.For the first six to seven years of the negotiation, resulting in a failure to passAccording to Khan Niazi, there arefunctioning of the treaty, there was no a better SMTA with an expanded croparound 146 participating countries inmoney, she says. Breeding is an activity scope.the governing body, and they all havethat takes time, and the sharing is only 66/ SEEDWORLD.COMJUNE 2020'