b'Facinganewchallengeoropportunity?Consideringexpanding your skill set in a new area? VIRTUAL For whatever drives your professional development and continuing educationneeds,youhaveapartner.ThePurdueUniversityWORKSHOPS Center for Food and Agricultural Business builds programs with the potential to revolutionize the way you work and do business.KEY ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT Participating in a Center program provided meFINANCIAL MANAGEMENT ANALYSIS with an outstanding outlook into the AmericanAND DECISION MAKING complexitiessurroundingtheseedindustry andupcomingchallengesinthefuture.TheORGANIZATIONAL professionalfacultyandstaff,alongwithLEADERSHIP AND DEVELOPMENTtheinteractionofindustrypeers,makesfor impactful and insightful programming. STRATEGIC AND TACTICAL MARKETING - Matias S. Cortada, CEO, Azul Jacaranda, ArgentinaMANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT ACROSS BUSINESS FUNCTIONS SALES MANAGEMENTV I S I T AGRIBUSINESS.PURDUE.EDU/ISFParticipate in a live, distance-delivered program fromLETS GET SOCIAL!wherever you are! Visit agribusiness.purdue.edu/isf to view upcoming program topics and dates. agbusinessinfo@purdue.edu | 765-494-4247 Follow Purdue University Center for Food and Agricultural Business on Facebook and LinkedIn Follow @PurdueAgBiz on TwitterCAB-Distance-Delivery-Ad.indd 1 5/2/2020 2:53:56 AM'