b'ROBIN OMARAPRESIDENT,OMARA AG SERVICESromara60@msn.com STEVE DEJONGomara-ag.com PRESIDENT, PROFILE INDUSTRIES, INC.steve@profile-ind.com profile-ind.comProfileIndUSACulture ClubSOME YEARS BACKas a part of a Vistage busi-ness owners group I am a part of, I was challenged toVideo View! A Positive Change define our culture.I furrowed my brow and looked to the sky for inspiration, hmmmm . What is culture? It has been said that culture trumps everything, bothfor Coping with COVID-19in life and business, so I reasoned that if we didnt have it, we had better get some. Here is my attempt at being helpful and not too salesy during this pandemic crisis. MAKING COMMUNICATIONadjustments came swiftly with COVID-19. There are some obvious answers to some of theThis pandemic has changed business practices almost overnight: canceled culture questions. It is developed through our parents,some trips and cut others short, canceled trade shows, separatedfamily, upbringing, and life experiences. I kind of setco-workers, taught us social distancing, enabled remote locations and up my own exercise of observing who we are as are-scheduled face to face meetings. We now do more video conferencing company and how we do things. I observe customers,with more technology and less direct communication than we had thought suppliers, competitors, nurse daughters, my son-in-lawpossible. One of the most interesting changes is video emails. This one may the cop and my friends. If I have been lucky enoughtake some time to feel comfortable with compared to other communica-to work with you, then I have learned from you. It cantion technology; however, we have also had some fun with it. be a challenge to attach meaningful words or phrasesWe are receiving videos more now than ever before. Communication that help define your culture as a company.is key! We are experiencing a better understanding of our clients and Honesty; integrity; common sense; people beforetheir needs. One that stands out in my mind is a video we received from profit; build lasting value; build trust; provide personala client showing his property. The snow-capped mountains in the back-service; personal responsibility; be reliable; have a serv- ground were beautiful! We had no idea how amazing his scenery is. That ants heart; be willing to adapt; call out B.S. when youvideo gave us a new appreciation for him. We are developing a more see it; use your practical farm experience and goodprofound connection with our clients as we adjust our communication in work ethic; model the behavior you expect; have aresponse to COVID-19.can-do attitude and a strong desire to win; have pas- We had done video conferencing many times before. Now is our sion for what you do; be a self-starter; be committed;opportunity to focus and polish this skill set. We are utilizing our video be a good listener; be vulnerable; be grateful; walk theplatforms more and we are connecting with clients (both potential and talk; deliver on promises; teamwork wins; make thingscurrent) with ease. It is being a positive experience as we perfect this personal because they are. technology and become more comfortable with it! For gosh sakes, wash your hands, make your bed,It allows us to re-think how we do business and how we can relate be kind, and be on time. to video. Back in the day (a few months ago), face-to-face was the best Of course, you have to do the work, but we hire, fireapproach to secure a stable business relationship. That may still be true, and review based upon our culture. We use culture toalthough video communication now holds a close second. influence our mission and you can find it in everythingThe fast-acting progressive behavior of companies has been staggering we make and do. We function better knowing whatfrom remote staff to new experiences with technology-based communica-our culture is and it makes us a better company fortion growth. knowing it. Our culture is who we are, and it will help usWe are confident that the communication technologies we have been weather this COVID-19 crisis. implementing will continue in the future. I encourage anyone who is One can call it culture, guiding principles, or team- slightly uncomfortable with video technology to start playing around with work pledge if that seems more fitting, but join theit. You will be happy you did. club, get some, and install it right away. Stay safe and healthy.24/ SEEDWORLD.COMJUNE 2020'