b'USMCA and IP protectionA myriad of benefits for the U.S. seed industry will be realized fromsigning the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement. Treena Hein JANUARY 2020marked a considerable milestone for theis critical for the introduction of new, high-performing varie-U.S. seed industry in that important industry-related provi- ties to Americas farmers and consumers. Indeed, ASTA notes sions were recognized in the passing of the U.S.-Mexico-Canadathat many American seed companies send seed to Mexico and Agreement (USMCA). other countries to conduct research and multiplication before it While the signing of the document does not mean the specificcomes back to the U.S. for further processing and packaging for seed-focussed provisions immediately enter into force, there isAmerican farmers and gardeners.now crucial regulatory framework in place, including commitmentsCrops commonly multiplied in Mexico by U.S. seed firms for various types of cooperation between the three countries,include corn (mainly for R&D), sorghum (for breeding and also explains Abigail Struxness, senior director of international pro- seed production), wheat and other cereals. Struxness notes that grams and policy at the American Seed Trade Association (ASTA). one of the fastest-growing sectors of the seed industry is organic The USMCA also contains several reforms that are criticallyvegetables, but in that sub-sector, U.S. companies send the seed important to certainty of open market access for the U.S. seedfor organic cultivation in Mexico and producers there send back industry. These include provisions that strengthen intellectualthe resulting harvest.property rights, including the requirement that Mexico adopt theAdditionally, the USMCA emphasizes the need for transpar-requirements of UPOV 91.ency and science-based approaches to phytosanitary measures, The biggest benefit of the USMCA is the harmonization,and includes a new consultation process to resolve disputes says James Weatherly, executive director at Seed Innovation andbetween countries in order to keep trade moving and reduce Protection Alliance (SIPA). UPOV 91 was instituted in Canada innon-tariff barriers. ASTA is particularly pleased to see language 2016 and now with it being instituted in Mexico, there is a commonestablishing a new mechanism for technical consultations to foundation, a comfort zone that we are all on the same page. Withresolve issues between the three countries, including a provision the move to UPOV 91, breeders will also have the assurance inrequiring the three countries to provide notification of SPS (sani-knowing that essentially-derived varieties are also protected in thetary and phytosanitary) import issues or delays within five days.United States, Canada and Mexico under UPOV 91. The USMCA also recognizes the importance of plant breed- Looking Forwarding innovation, including newer methods like gene editing, andWith regard to what the U.S. seed industry will be able to contains provisions enhance information exchange and coopera- achieve in the next five to 10 years with the USMCA in place, tion related to trade of agricultural biotechnology.Struxness focuses on relationships. Because Mexico and Canada are such important markets forCanada and Mexico are the two largest trading partners for U.S. seed and agriculture products, having a mechanism to workthe U.S. seed industry, the three countries have interconnected toward science-based, consistent policies for plant breeding inno- value chains and businesses have longstanding relationships with vation is critical, says Bernice Slutsky, ASTA senior vice presidenteach other, she explains. of innovation. The USMCA includes a framework under which theThe new agreement provides certainty to the industry three governments can begin to work toward consistent policiesto ensure the ability to continue these relationships and criti-that facilitate further innovation as well as trade. cal sales. Furthermore, the new policies related to intellectual property, innovation, and phytosanitary measures will enable Protections Related to Seed Movementincreased trade and ensure regulatory harmonization and The USMCA will also help facilitate the movement of seedscience-based decision making.SWglobally for research, development and multiplication, which 4/ SEEDWORLD.COMJUNE 2020'