b'worldSTATUS A look at seed industry developments around the globe.Australias farmersSTATUS AUSTRALIA To remain internationallyby climate change. Their can access GM cropSouth Australias farmers cancompetitive and meet theofficial statement emphasized finally choose to access GMpotential for future growththat the committees actions innovations, while Turkeycrop innovations that havewill depend on the Southwill provide farmers access to has discovered Tomatobeen approved for commer- Australian Governmentscrop biotechnology to ensure Brown Rugose Fruit Viruscial cultivation in Australiacontinued adoption of poli- continuous crop production since 2003. General Managercies that embrace innovation,and achieve food security in their country. of the Australian Seedengage investors and bringespecially in the time of the Federation, Osman Mewett,new technologies to market incoronavirus pandemic.says, For over a decade,a timely manner.South Australian farmersMewett concludes, Now have been denied the abil- farmers on mainland SouthSTATUS KENYAity to choose from the fullAustralia will have the abilityKenya Seed Company has suite of tools that have beento choose those farming toolsreported a reduction in maize available to their colleaguesthat work best for them andseed production in 2019 due in neighbouring states. Theynot have politics stand in theto the vagaries of the weather. have been farming with oneway of their ability to innovate. Managing Director Fred hand tied behind their back.Oloibe says the seed yields The GM crop moratorium haslast year dropped from 30 restricted the incentive forSTATUS BOLIVIA million kilograms to 24 million South Australian research- Interim President Jeaninekilograms. Oloibe says the ers to develop agriculturalAez of Bolivia issued acompany and its contracted biotechnologies for SouthSupreme Decree author- seed grower witnessed short-Australia. It has denied Southizing the National Biosafetyage of rain during the planting Australian farmers access toCommittee to speed up theseason and lost huge yields innovative breeding meth- evaluation of GM events ofto heavy rains during the ods and new crops both nowfive crops namely corn, sugar- harvesting period. He said the and in the future, and it hascane, cotton, wheat, and soy- company recorded a shortfall banned the transport of GMbeans. The decree was madeof 7,000 acres for seed pro-seed across the state. in response to the countrysduction but allayed fear that The GM seed transportcurrent quarantine status duethis will hinder the targeted ban had a significant negativeto the coronavirus pandemic.amount of seed.impact on the Australian seedSupreme Decree 4232 states industry, resulting in increasedthat the National Biosafety costs to seed producers andCommittee will establish anSTATUS NAIROBIlong delays from having toabbreviated evaluation proce- The African Union (AU) use other transport measuresdure for the says GM crops tolaunched a new initiative to to divert genetically modifiedaddress the countrys internalimprove access to quality seed around South Australia. food supply as well as agri- seeds for small-scale farmers Multiple independentcultural products for export.across the African continent reviews demonstrated thereThe committee was givenamid efforts to boost food is no trade and marketing10 days to come up with theproduction in the post COVID-benefit to maintaining the GMshortened evaluation pro- 19 pandemic era. Various moratorium in South Australia.cedure. Bolivias Associationstudies estimate that farmers The most recent review byof Oilseed and Wheatin Africa lose up to 70% of Professor Anderson foundProducers, or ANAPO, wel- their food production because that the GM moratoriumcomed the decree saying thatof low quality or counterfeit has cost the states canolait will allow small producers toseeds. The 2019 Access to industry $33 million, with noimprove their production andSeeds Index for Eastern and tangible trade or marketingbecome more competitiveSouthern Africa, for instance, benefit in return. amidst the challenges causedfound that in Uganda, 30% of 78/ SEEDWORLD.COMJUNE 2020'