b'Gaining a Different PerspectiveAngel Saavedra, AMSAC representitive to the American Seed Trade Association (ASTA), shares about how partnering with ASTA opens up new perspectives in the seed industry. Seed World (SW): Whats somethingAS: It gives me a great perspective of youre reading right now? the whole industry in North America. Angel Saavedra (AS): Im currentlyThe biggest business for the United reading a little bit of three books: MoreStates and Mexico is within our borders. than This by Patrick Ness, Los Barcos seThe United States. and Mxico have a Pieden en Tierra by Arturo Prez-Revertegreat exchange of seed material, share and El Hacedor by Jorge Luis Borges.phytosanitary needs and policies. AMSAC is a tenth of ASTA and there is a lot of SW: Whats the best way to spend aexperience that we could learn from Friday night? them, in addition, the two associations AS: For several years, I have spenthave same technology needs such a s Friday night after work enjoying greatgene editing, Seed Law and importation dinner at home with my wife. She is anrequirements. Im also part of the Board adorable and awesome cooker, and mostof the Seed Association of the Americas important, she loves to do it. I normally(SAA) which also helped me to support add a great wine in our special dinners,our Mexican needs, such as information, we love Spanish ones from Rivera deltrainings and understanding on legislative Duero and Rioja, great Italians, we selectaspects.also Argentinians, Chileans, California, and Mexican wines from La Baja. WeSW: Why do you think its important also hear music and dance at home. So,to have the connection between spending Friday night with my wife is theAMSAC and ASTA?best for me.AS: First, we share borders and our exchange of seed material is huge, SW: Favorite travel destination? maybe the greatest in the world. We are AS: Mexico: Puerto Vallarta and Mrida;the main importer of maize and soybean Spainthe whole country; Liverpool,from the United States. There is also London, Paris, Budapest, Italy: Laexchange of technology among both Toscana, Milan, Rome, Florence, Rimini;associations and we need to share visions the United States: Madison and Greenand agreements. We have trainings Bay, Wis., New Orleans, Washington D.C.,together to understand requirements Chicago; Vancouver, Ottawa.for seed movement in the border. I love the way how seed industry in the United SW: When you were a child, whatStates acts and how ASTA supports did job did you want to grow upgrowers and companies. ASTA has and have? developed great programs such as Storm AS: Wanted to be Catholic priest.the Hill, SALT and others for general seed education.SWSW: Why did you decide not only to participate in the Mexican Seed Trade Association (AMSAC), but also ASTA leadership?50/ SEEDWORLD.COMJUNE 2020'