b'and nutritional security. APSA recognizesto cultivate strong relationships with its UPOV 91 as the best system of plant vari- Chinese partners.ety protection and encourages countriesWhile we do encounter challenges in the region to ratify and implement it. with IP, its not as pronounced as you see There is a need to regulate the seedwith other products made by other indus-industry to prevent malpractice. Lawstries, he says. and regulations should be framed inFor us, we have a pretty good under-a way that encourages compliance.standing of the market and our customers Overregulation may actually increasethere. They work with our local dealers malpractice, Chodchoey adds. A forumto protect our brand and our varieties. for regular consultation between all stake- The local companies we deal with have holders in the public and private sectorsbecome defenders of our rights. As a is needed. There is an important role forCanadian company 10,000 miles away, national seed associations to engage thewe cant solve those problems by our- Bob Yang serves as BrettYoung Seeds private sector in policymaking. selves. Lets say someone copies our bagsenior account manager for China.As the market is growing rapidly the local dealers we work with will help in Asia-Pacific region, the intellectualus report it to the authorities so they can property rights protection system hastry and stop it. Having that connectionTHE FAO REPORT: KEY FINDINGSto be very strong to ensure a growth ofgoes a long way.innovation for agriculture investment inChodchoey knows firsthand howThe report Status of Seed Legislation and Policies this region. Recently, APSA took part inharmful IP infringement can be. In her a project with the Food and Agricultureprevious role as a regional quality assur- in the Asia-Pacific Region was recently released by Organization of the United Nations to pro- ance lead for a leading multinational seedthe Food and Agriculture Organization of the United vide up-to-date information on the statuscompany, she became well-versed in howNations (FAO). Three key findings illustrate some of seed legislation and policies in coun- much a company has to invest in R&D toimportant challenges faced by the seed industry in tries of the Asia-Pacific region and theircreate one commercial variety. the region.effects on the development of the privateIf IP enforcement is weak, it is really and public seed sector. The study washard for a company to decide to continue The structure of the seed industry in Asia and the done in 22 countries in the region involv- investing in innovation in that country. Pacific has changed rapidly in the past 30 years ing both the private and public sectors.The FAO study found that newdue to the acceleration of private sector breeding, One key finding was that reputabletechnologies can play a role in helpingparticularly in hybrid crops and vegetables. seed companies maintain high qualitythe seed industry to adapt to changingHowever, progress in regulatory reform has not standards in order to protect their brandcircumstances. For example, the use of image, and this reduces burden on thecodes can enable farmers to check thebeen uniform, leading to a wide spectrum of system. However, as more farmers buyauthenticity of seed packages from theirexperiences across the region. high-value seed, there is an increased riskphones, and also obtain more informa-Where technology has run ahead of legislation of counterfeiting and this requires serioustion about varieties. Governments couldthis has created problems for stakeholders. Variety attention because of the risk to compa- enhance this by making the national vari-nies and farmers.ety list searchable online and with links totesting systems that were established long ago for additional information.staple food crops are no longer appropriate. An Partnerships Crucial It will take work, but APSA doesntexample is stringent DUS (distinctness, uniformity Despite the challenges, progress is beingshy away from that. When she assumedand stability) and VCU (value for cultivation and use) made. BrettYoung Seeds, based in thethe role of executive director in 2019,testing requirements for vegetables found in some Canadian province of Manitoba, hasChodchoeys first priority was strength- countries. broken into the Chinese market. Overening the APSA team. A current prior-the past 17 years it has gone from doingity is strengthening ASPAs presence in In contrast, the private seed sector has made virtually no business there to selling mil- Thailand and continuing to build its mem- little progress in self-pollinated food crops such as lions of pounds annually of forage, turf,bership according APSAs strategic plan. rice, wheat, grain legumes and oilseeds. For these reclamation species, and cereals like fallAll members have to feel valued.crops, variety development has remained largely rye, oats and triticale. Communication is very important. We Bob Yang, BrettYoungs seniorhave to make them feel welcome, feelin the public sector domain, unless a hybrid option account manager for the China region,heard, and feel engagedthat is thebecomes available, notably in rice. says while the intellectual property frame- meaning of an association, and its whatSource: https://doi.org/10.4060/CA7599ENwork in China needs bolstering, a majorwe try to do better every day.SWkey to the companys success has been 62/ SEEDWORLD.COMJUNE 2020'