b'S T R A T E G YSome of the other things,develop new combinations. like discovering the AchillesThe dream is that you have heel of the pathogen, is puremost of your disease resist-basic research. We dont knowance in one or two loci. whether that is an outcomeThe ultimate, long-term anytime soon. We could havepotential for van Esse is a major breakthrough tomor- to create a single resist-row or in 20 years. However,ance block to control ASR in both cases, this genomein soybeans. This resistance is a critical component oftechnology could significantly solutions that are definitelyreduce the amount of fungi-coming. cide farmers need to apply toPlant breeders are work- produce a crop. In addition, ing with the limited resistancegrowers would no longer be present in soybeans. How wellbound by a short fungicide these resistances will workapplication window to control together is difficult to under- this pathogen. Accomplishing stand without understandingthese two things would be a the underlying mechanismhuge victory. and how it relates to theThis type of technology pathogen.Peter van Esse serves as leader of the 2Blades Group at Themight not be developed for One of the big difficultiesSainsbury Laboratory.other key crops due to current for breeders is that they needEuropean Union regulations to combine multiple resistanceIdeally, there is one place inthat once they are introducedthat prevent its use in Europe, gene traits, van Esse explains.the genome of a breeding lineinto an initial breeding line,says van Esse. Sensibly, in Say a breeder wants to intro- where multiple resistances arethey can easily be moved intothe United States, transgenic duce three different sourceslocated. The nice thing aboutdifferent maturity groups ofcrops are permitted if they are of resistance from non- having a transgenic trait with,different soybean cultivars.determined by government domesticated germplasm. Allfor example, three or moreUntil now, this has been thescientists to be safe for human these resistances will be intro- resistance genes togethermain reason why plant patho- consumption and the environ-duced into different places inis that breeders have all thegens are such a challenge forment. By 2050, we will need the genome making trackingpathogen resistance theybreeders. Any plant pathogento produce twice as much difficult. Also, other genesneed in a single location, hewill require several resist- food as we do now, and we from the non-domesticatedsays. That way researchersance genes to be combinedmust accomplish this with less germplasm that often result incan easily track this resist- without linkage drag. That island, water and chemicals. undesirable traits will be car- ance with molecular markers.incredibly difficult to achieve.The reason we are in this busi-ried over. That is an enormousThat would be important forBreeders have done anness is because we care very challenge for a single patho- breeders because they couldimpressive job so far, vandeeply about the environment gen, especially if you are alsojust follow this one trait. AnEsse says. However, whenand about feeding everybody trying to accomplish otheradded advantage is that thisa new disease or virulenton the planet. We want to things as well, such as simul- approach would not causeisolate becomes an issue, theyuse the latest science to help taneously improving yields.linkage drag.cannot breed in novel resist- develop safe, productive and You want to have a high yieldThese transgenic stacksance without breaking up pre- nutritious crops to end hunger. and a beautiful crop that isare, by themselves, of limitedviously combined resistances.That is why we come to work resistant to key pathogens.value, but their elegance isThey have to start all over toevery day. SWENDORSED BY 46/ SEEDWORLD.COMJUNE 2020'