b'implemented, both Souza Richards andIdeally, Systems Approach for seedsHowever, the question became: Are Leader are on the less-than-optimistic side.can be built up gradually and evolve fromthese concepts clear enough?Ive been working on this Systemsonly a few participating countries in theSince the original adoption of the EDV Approach piece for the last two or threebeginning to global acceptance in time,concept, interpretation of it has caused years, Leader says. But the next step ofshe says.some heated debates, especially over the the process means for the industry andadoption of the latest UPOV Explanatory governments more transparency with oneEssentially Derived VarietiesNotes on EDVs in 2017.other. However, we should be proud, sinceProving to Be a Challenge That Explanatory Note from UPOV were already starting to have that trans- In late October 2019, a committee of theraised some questions, says Judith de parency. Id love to see some governmentsInternational Convention for the ProtectionRoos, legal counsel for Plantum. This involved within the next year or two. of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV) agreednote was adopted through consensus Were following the process of theto revisit their explanatory note on essen- of all UPOV members which resulted in development of the Systems Approachtially derived varieties (EDVs).unclear language, and now, theres been Annex by the IPPC, Souza Richards The idea of EDVs was conceived insome debates about its interpretation and says. Theres still work to be done by us1991, says Magali Pla, industrial propertythe meaning of the text. and also by the IPPC prior to Systemsmanager of Limagrain. It was meant De Roos mentions that some read it in Approach for seeds to be recognizedto broaden the scope of protection forwhat is called the Australian approach, internationally. Based on the timelinebreeders of an initial variety by creating awhich is where there can only be an that the IPPC process take, it is fair toform of dependency between the initialEDV if all essential characteristics are assume that the earliest possible year ofvariety and their EDVs so that the EDVsmaintained in the derived variety. A approval would be 2024. Then wed startare dependent on its initial variety.predominantly derived variety would not the process of implementation. Of course,UPOV members adopted this con- be considered an EDV from the initial that can take longer based on how manycept of EDVs to ensure that the initialvariety if that variety differs in one or national plant protection organizationsbreeder could get some returns onmore essential characteristics even if it are willing to approve Systems Approachthe investment he made on the initialhas retained all other characteristics from as their chosen phytosanitary certificationvariety, the EDV being predominantlythe initial variety.option for the import/export of seeds. derived from this initial variety, Pla says.Normally when it comes to EDVs, the Disruptive BIG-BAGS for long term seed conservationThere is a growing need for safe and sustainable storage of seeds. We have developed a specific conservation process & system based on CO2-rich atmosphere. Our patented Nox BIG-BAGS allows you to : Secure your seeds without using chemical treatments or cold storage.Protect seed quality over time (cold tests indicates stabilized germination rate).Easily integrate our packaging process into any industrial line.Our new semi-automatic BIG-BAG packaging lineAlready overintegrates into any industrial line and allows you to3500 tons of seedsrapildy deploy and maintain natural protection for allsafely storedyour seeds. in Nox BIG-BAGS.For more information contact us at: nox@noxstorage.com I+33 6 44 67 39 25I www.noxstorage.comWant to discuss your project? Scan this code with your phone to book a meeting with one of our representatives.72/ SEEDWORLD.COMJUNE 2020'