b'two countries, two seed industriesUniting the French Seed IndustryA decade ago, the French seed sector brought its six separate industry associations under one umbrella. The story has striking similarities to what is happening in Canada with the Seed Synergy project.Marc ZienkiewiczFRANCES SEEDassociationknown as UFS (Union Franaise des Semenciers)recently celebrated 10 years in existence. UFS was created when France brought its six sepa-rate seed associations together under one umbrella. Rachel Blumel is director-general of As Canada works to bring its own industry associationsUFS. Her experience within the world of under a single umbrella (a project known as the Seed Synergyprofessional organizations has allowed her Collaboration Project), Seed World spoke to two experts on theto acquire skills to represent and promote formation of UFS and lessons learned during its formation. the interests of members, while developing collective support tools for their benefit.Seed World (SW): Why was UFS formed?Rachel Blumel (RD): You must find common ground to be suc-cessful. Merging our industry offers us more opportunity to be understood by stakeholders and government. Eric Devron is director-general for Sicasov. Sicasovs mission is to manage and defend Eric Devron (ED): We felt the need to speak with one voice andthe interests of breeders and creators of be listened to at the EU and international levels. plant varieties. It issues production and sales licenses on their behalf and collects royalties. SW: When UFS was formed, had the French seed industry tried this before or was it the first attempt?ED: There were some initiatives 10 to 15 years before the crea-tion of UFS, but they collapsed, and we didnt want to repeatearn the trust of the stakeholdersor if the working group that. It took two years to create UFS from the time discussionsitself is not composed of people who trust one anotherit began to when it was formedwe were not in a hurry to dodoesnt work. You have to make clear to everyone that its not it. It was necessary to discuss and explain the ultimate goal ofabout power. When you bring your industry together, no one is the process to our diverse stakeholdersthere were about 150gaining or losing any power or influence. Its about making the French companies involved. whole industry more effective, and essentially giving everyone an equal voice.SW: What were some challenges you faced?ED: We had to effectively communicate what the benefit wouldED: We were very careful in establishing the working group be in having a single French seed association. We didnt expectwhich oversaw the process. We chose people from different people to be automatically convincedwe gave them time tokinds of seed companies, all over the spectrum. We were very think about it and to come around. There were people and com- careful in doing this, as it was a sensitive matter. We hired a con-panies frightened by the fact that everyone would be comingsultant and paid attention to choose the right onethat was together. We took the time to talk to all of them and get them toimportant. Whenever we started questioning ourselves, the con-see they had more in common than they had differences. sultant helped get the process back on track and keep everyone focused. On a few occasions the consultant really helped the SW: Looking back, does anything stand out that youprocess stay above water and avoid collapse. But lets say that feel really helped the process along? the strong will of the industry to benefit from a unified corporate RB: You need a good leader to manage the project. If they donthome was the main fuel.SW82/ SEEDWORLD.COMINTERNATIONAL EDITION 2020'