b'Looking at the growth of the African Seed Trade Association, I cannot help but compare it to a famous Ibo story that narrates the story of a young man who grew like a yam tendril planted during the rainy season . Nathaniel Tumvides an avenue for the members to meetcommittees. We therefore made deliber-and cut business deals. For this reason,ate efforts to ensure that the commit-the trading tables offered at the congresstees increased the quantity and quality are always full to the brim with variousof their activities and engagements. This seed companies acknowledging thathas yielded several success along the line, they leave the congress with a handful ofnot to leave behind the vigor of the two orders from one another and from vari- Special Interest Groups (SIGs) on vegeta-ous parts of the world. The seed associa- bles and field crops.tions meeting session allows membersThe association has enhanced its voice to share experiences on what they do aton intellectual property rights protection national level to promote seed trade in(IPR). This has led to the revision of the their country. AFSTA position paper on IPR adopted by Further to that, the Annual Generalthe AFSTA General Assembly in March Meeting is held within the precincts of2019. Some highlights include:the congress where plans and budgetsPromotion of plant breeding innova-for the next 12 months are discussed andtion (PBI), which took a central role agreed upon. Here the audited financialduring this period with the adoption of report is discussed, and all issues resolveda position paper on PBI by the AFSTA paving way for the upcoming yearsGeneral Assembly in March 2019;expenditure.Azariah Soi is the current president of Advocacy on removing trade barri-AFSTA.ers and promote seed technology MembershipEngagement with the regional eco-Currently, AFSTA has a membershipnomic communities to advocate for comprising of 27 National Seed Tradeenabling environment for the seed Associations (NSTAs), with an individualbusiness;seed company membership of about 120Our improved collaboration with the in total. These members come from allAfrican Union has been very visible over the world.with the association going out of its way to work with the continental Partnerships body in the development of 2020AFSTAs 2017 - 2022 strategic plan is a2030 action plan on the Africa seed blueprint for improvement in the provi- sector development program; sion of member services with a priorityCollaboration with the African focus on promotion of plant breeding,Union Inter-African Phytosanitary intellectual property protection andCouncil (AU-IAPSC) on seed phy-advocacy on removing seed trade barri- tosanitary measures in Africa. By ers. AFSTA seeks to build on COMESAsfollowing guidelines on the strategic success of Harmonizing Seed Tradeplan, AFSTA has created aware-Regulations and expand this regionally. ness, understanding and sensitiza-The strategic plan has, in a nutshell,tion of the seed stakeholders on brought home a lot of achievements. ToInternational Treaty on Plant Genetic begin with, the board has been reawak- Riadh Gabsi serves as the intermidiate pastResources for Food and Agriculture ened to the fact that the bedrock ofpresident of AFSTA.the Treaty (ITPGRFA) through the success is in strengthening the boardmass media.46/ SEEDWORLD.COMINTERNATIONAL EDITION 2020'