b'Lentils are also an excellent crop for those farm-ers who are looking to better manage their nitrogen applications while reducing production costs.Bandillos team is focusing their research on improving the amounts of iron and zinc in lentils, to help improve human health.Our goal is to develop cultivars of peas, lentils and chickpeas that are adapted for the Northern Plains region, Bandillo says. With lentils, our major focus is to increase seed quality by enhancing its micronutrient profile and protein content.Currently pulse producers receive discounts for their lentil and pea harvests when protein levels are less than 22%. From a breeding perspective, were trying to improve lentil genetics, he adds. About half of lentil productivity is due to good genetics. If grow-ers could plant varieties with good genetics, that is a great start. One of our goals is to increase nutri-tional quality of lentils by improving its iron and zinc content. I also think of breeding high-protein lentils. Consumers have developed interests in plant-basedOne new tasks lentil breeders are working on is improving lentil geneticsin protein. Pulse crops have emerged as a frontrun- particular by improving their nutritional quality. ner. We can also develop high-protein lentils with a nutritional profile best suited for making plant- That dance happens daily, trying to figure out based burgers. Maybe those varieties will be inhow to get the highest yielding product that meets demand by farmers and processors in the future. the specific qualities needed by the end user, CahillAnother half of lentil productivity is throughnotes. In the areas where lentils are grown, farmers good agronomic practices, Bandillo continues.have other choices of crops to plant on those acres. Planting density, timing of planting, how much andI grow 9-10 different crops on my land.what fertilizers and herbicides to use all contributeOne of the big aspects of the dance between to the economics of growing lentils. In addition tofarmers, processors and end users of lentils is that breeding pulse crops, part of our long-term goal isthere are a large number of varieties to choose from. Because lentils to reduce the environmental impact of agriculture.Every country and culture has a lentil they like Meaning, along with the aim of maximizing yields,best, Cahill says. Red lentils are the most com- shell out very easily we would like to reduce agronomic practices thatmonly grown and consumed lentils in the world,and are a sensitive adversely affect the environment, such as the appli- although green lentils seem to be preferred in the cation of herbicides and costly fertilizers. CroppingUnited States, although America is not a large lentilplant, they cant just systems involving pulse crops can be a cheaperconsuming country.and more sustainable alternative to conventional Because there are a lot of lentils going differentbe left out in the practices. places, processors have a challenging job to findfield like corn. Lentil the varieties they need, despite dealing with the Not the Easiest Crop to Grow current trade situation, which has greatly affectedbreeding has helped Farmers who choose to grow lentils have to evalu- lentil exports. farmers improve ate multiple factors when choosing which varietiesIn this price discovery market, the medium to plant, says Charlie Cahill, a farmer seedsmangreen lentil is still the most widely grown lentil in theharvestability. who works with lentil breeders, buyers, processorsUnited States. Charlie Cahilland academics.Processors will end up selling what they have, Because lentils shell out very easily and are aCahill says. Some lentil varieties have been driven sensitive plant, they cant just be left out in the fieldby farmers, and elevator managers have had to like corn, Cahill says. Lentil breeding has helpedfigure out a place for that crop to go.farmers improve harvestability.There is a constant struggle amongst lentil farm- Lentil Breeding Challengesers, processors and chefs when it comes to grow- There are some challenges with lentil breeding, ing a variety of crop that will pay and be desired byaccording to Bandillo. First, genetic diversity is the consumers.driver of plant breeding. In our breeding pool, there 94/ SEEDWORLD.COMINTERNATIONAL EDITION 2020'