b'worldSTATUS A look at seed industry developments around the globe.As COVID-19 continues toSTATUS DENMARKthis is all under the con- never stopped and the deliv-progress through the world,In Denmark we are OK,trol of the Irish Departmenteries of seeds to the farmschecked in with despite the present situ- of Agriculture, but we arehave been guaranteed. This Seed World ation. Springtime is busyin good hands as they cel- was very important to ensure EU seed industries to see this year is no exception.ebrated their 120th birthdaythe spring sowing (maize, var-how theyre weathering theConcerning the seed move- on April 1 and have plenty ofious vegetables, etc.) and to ments and trade, we have not,experience dealing with crisisguarantee the production for storm. at this point, seen any majorsuch (WWI and WWII, Foot &the 2020 campaign. Since the obstacles. The movement ofMouth, BSE, etc.). beginning of this pandemic seeds is generally function-Condensed interview with Timthe objectives of our govern-ing more or less as usual. WeODonovan, Technical Director,ment have been twofold: to are in close contacts with theSeedtech, April 2, 2020 guarantee the health of the authorities and we keep eachpopulation and to ensure other posted on any develop- the stability of the national ments. So at the moment weSTATUS ITALY economy. Therefore, the are not facing major obsta- The news that you hear everyItalian government intervened cles, and farmers in all Europeday is not exaggerated! Theby limiting to a minimum the are busy sowing. For grassreality is that we are livingmovement of people (with seed the big unknown is howin a very worrying situation,very few exceptions, such as the private consumers reactwhich is certainly dramatic inproven working needs, health (and which possibilities theysome areas of our country. Inreasons and other needs such have) in this situation. Im sureAssosementi we have appliedas food purchases), first in the that we will see some furtherto the letter, the provisionsoutbreak areas of Northern developmentswe just dontof our government: after aItaly then, from 9 March, in the know which ones. few days of alternate workwhole national territory. TheNils Elmegaard, Chief Policyto guarantee the minimumwork activities were able to Advisor of the Danish Seeddistance between us, all col- continue only if necessary and Association leagues are now working atonly if these were considered home. I am the only one thatessential and not deferrable. It is going to the office abso- could continue provided that STATUS IRELAND lutely isolated, to guaranteespecific measures were taken The majority of arable seeda minimum presence. In theto protect the health of work-had been processed andseed sector, the Italian seeders (PPE, reduction of active was being delivered to farmscompanies promptly adoptedstaff, minimum distance of 1 before the Irish governmentthe provisions of the Italianmeter between people, strong lock-down was announcedgovernment: they reducedstimulus to smart working, on March 27. Agriculture andtheir activity to essentialetc.). Agricultural and zoot-its support industries has beenoperations that cannot beechnical activities have been classed as one of the essentialpostponed, limiting the pres- exempted from this obliga-services, so seed wholesal- ence of workers in the factorytion as they are considered ers and retailers can continueto the bare minimum. Workessential to guarantee the to process and deliver seedshifts have been adopted insupply of food and for the to farmers. The official seedorder to minimize the pos- care of all the animals. From testing station continues tosibility of contact betweenthe beginning, the related process results but is prioritis- workers and where it has notagri-food chains have also ing samples as they too havebeen possible to guaranteebeen included in this deroga-to implement new practicesthe minimum distance oftion, including suppliers of in their laboratory. Seedone meter from each other,goods and services for these certification regulations willall the necessary PPE haveactivities. The seed business continue to be upheld with abeen provided. In this waythus came under this dero-few adjustments to practicesthe activity in the factory hasgation. Therefore, our seed 108/ SEEDWORLD.COMINTERNATIONAL EDITION 2020'