b'PARTNER CONTENTRight Now, the Right Partner is Key to Your SuccessGenomic testing in the age of the COVID-19 pandemic must be fast, convenient and affordable. Dr. Mark Massoudi and Ag-Biotech provide all three.M ark Massoudi last appeared inWe know, explains Massoudi, that the pages of Seed World backbreeders must make long-term commit-in February. A lot has changedments and investments of time and money around the globe since then, but the taskto improve their crops. So we wanted to be of feeding the world remains the same.sure that we could be there for them. We Much as we would have enjoyed a face-to- know that our servicesespecially during face interview with him, we were still ablesuch difficult timesare crucial to help to glean a lot of actionable info, for breed- breeders quickly make a decision in order ers, from our remote conversation.to select the elite genotypes they need to Massoudi is president of the California- move forward to the next generation. based Ag-Biotech, a trusted resource forFortunately, Massoudi and his team breeders worldwide who need to makewere already prepared for remote com-informed decisions about the crops theymunication with their customers: Thanks develop, utilizing the latest advances into Ag-Biotechs online client portal, theyre biotechnology. The companys genomicable to keep breeders informed at all phas-services use mainly SNP PCR protocolsDr. Mark Massoudi is president ofes of their projects, so they stay apprised and other molecular-based platforms forAg-Biotech. of progress, efficiently and confidentially. DNA marker-assisted selection and meetYet despite the experience, high-touch the highest international standards. A Plan for Keeping Paceservice, and scientific precision we offer, The pandemic has given Massoudi anWe asked him to relay, from recent per- Ag-Biotechs services are actually quite af-opportunity to reflect on why he got intosonal experience during the pandemic,fordable, Massoudi proudly relates. this businessand to be thankful for thehow hes been able to help customers keepAnd Massoudis facilities and offer-fact his doors are still open and his opera- their businesses rolling along, in spite ofings represent the state of the art: We tion is functioning, despite everything thethe challenges they face. His response wasboast single nucleotide polymorphism lockdown has thrown his way.as illuminating as it was encouraging.(SNP) PCR assays, and flexible 96-, 384-, Just as crops require sunlight, water,The ag industry of which were a partand 1,536-well PCR plates to contain costs and nutrients, we know that the peopleis, by definition, a vital business, so wewhile maximizing throughput. We use who develop them require accurate infor- never received any shelter-in-place orhigh-speed non-contact liquid dispensing mation, delivered quickly, confidentially,stay-at-home orders, he reports. At thefor clean and accurate data. We boast rapid and cost-effectively, he says. That wassame time, however, we did implement afluorescence detection for the most sensi-my mission when I started the businessseries of precautionary steps to protect ourtive assays available. We employ a variety back in 1997, and it still is. The pandemicstaff and keep the laboratory clean fromof DNA markers for accurate identifica-may have changed the tactics, but certain- possible COVID-19 contamination. Suchtion, including simple sequence repeats ly not the strategy, for us or our clients. steps included disinfection of all packages(SSR), cleaved amplified polymorphic DNA Massoudi provides genomic services toreceived and delivered, both inside and(CAPS), sequence characterized amplified companies that often lack the resources ofoutside.regions (SCAR), sequence-related ampli-the bigger players in the space. The pan- Fortunately, he adds, our lab is largefied polymorphism (SRAP), and inter-sim-demic has affected many of these compa- enough to keep staff members properlyple sequence repeat (ISSR). We adhere to nies, as they may have had to close downdistanced from one another. This is howGood Laboratory Practice (GLP), too.their facilities or reduce the number ofwe were able to maintain productivityWhile a lot has changed in the world, staff in their offices at any one time. Manyand keep our commitments to our clients:the basic elements that make for a success-breeding programs, especially public ones,giving them the vital information theyful season have not, Massoudi notes: Keep have experienced disruptions. needand often didnt expect to receivethis in mind and Im confident that breeders Over the past several weeks, Massoudi during the lockdown.will not only survive 2020, but thrive as the has fielded calls from many people lookingSo what motivated him to push forwardbusiness of feeding the world continues as it for help as they forge ahead.during this difficult time?should. For for info visit agbiotech.net.INTERNATIONAL EDITION 2020SEEDWORLD.COM /43'