b'Taking Business to Africa? Heres How to Prepare. Interested in doing business in Africa?IF THERES ONEthing you hear when searching through Seed World chats with Charles Miller tointernational news in the seed industry, its that Africa could be a potential goldmine for doing business in. Africa has learn about the untapped potential a seedbeen developing their seed industry with the help of organi-company can find in Africa. zations such as the African Seed Trade Association (AFTSA) and other regional organizations, like the South African Seed Alex Martin Trade Association (SANSOR). As with any business decision, its important to make sure youre prepared to understand why theres so much potential in Africa, and whether or not theres a significant difference in doing business in Africa as opposed to countries in Europe. Seed World sat down with Charles Miller, commercial director of Solynta and the American Seed Trade Associations repre-sentative to AFTSA, to discuss some of the differences in doing business in Africa.Seed World (SW): Why is Africa seen as an untapped area of potential when it comes to the seed industry?Charles Miller (CM): Africa is a very large continent with many diverse climates and cultures. By some estimates, 60% of the worlds arable land is in Africa. In most of the continent, agriculture has been a way of life for the bulk of the population 12/ SEEDWORLD.COMINTERNATIONAL EDITION 2020'