b'Exploring ideas and views on all aspects of the seed industry.annabis for agriculture and human health will require a coordinated PS AND HEALTH versity of led by Uni IMPROVE CRO a study d eno , the authors conclude there are large ENOME TO me, says NABIS G nnabis gNG THE CAN s le anma purpose crop. , c e Considering the importance of genomics in the development of any crop, this analysis underlines ull potential of c p the cato al analysis of existing data and studies , with MAPPIUnlocking the f t a semb , multi- y of this speciesf y the genetic and biochemical diversit for c e for . -demands askatchewan researchers mappedi ntifi about gaps in the scientific knowledge of this high annabis. r breS In a major statistic accuratelygram fort to quantif genome iseding pro-ordinated ef of the c 5% unmapped olecula , a plant scientist the authors state. thatdatio on, says lead author Tim Sharbel fory the need for a co less than 50%0 to 2 which to build a m genomics-10% of the genome missing and another 1The team foundthe foun nbuilding blocks based breeding and applications to human and animal health, while strengthening university-industrlacks for other crops . the that weioresources provide cannabis comparable to what existThis meansblueprint would ask College of Agriculture and B of y genetic in the US a high-qualit flavor Developingexposed to the . be partnerships kids need to vegetables to learn to like them.John Hayes NG ABO I G HOURS TO s that indicates youngST researchR IN THE PA DAYOtherAR UOUS FARM L RK N Journal find eavily D ER WO n miccrops h noEANS LO n The Eco of farmingder work a d STE OF DARKtM new study i a historyprefer har data from the DS A K TA odsha societies withor efforters used R N VEG lyS repar N BABY FOO t r o an ro olab Research sthatdifferencesin FRUIT MAY MA LES I d baby fo rk greeneli tn urs.vey. ean Co EE c o ETAB de withda l nge h tudyhow ffort across Europ ose evegetables are sweetened with fruit puree andme ures be explain r labointen y in G l p dEuropean Social Sur n in mmer ia beloa s thp ten dont contain a high percentage of darkgio itabilityying labor intensit ns u portt Thesof work e ed by variatio ive crops. green vegetable content, according to a teamregi nt cro sras s canfo rThe resulting lack of dark green vegetableen roUSpa tment sus, research the of re conditioJ Researchers measured varof researchers. m lea rohn Hayes,ons su tion of differe ps, ingriculture n de of traditional agriculture. Using information from s Ata teters,ays tea i dicateyoung kidsth p ducthe De r l cenof labor iners associate professor at Penn State.s mat r rchstrue hisstudieof sian agricultura turns toneed to be exposed to the flavor of vegetables sea , t n s d the, finding high labor O e e s. a a P s marginal re for cerealthersayIf druo ause it shows that currenttion of dif es, andwheat.rn tlike hem, h e market f il toestimate ferent crops returnsEuropeant a low e l products returnsi e oats, b y for crops reliant c rcia , as they cover up and hide thecrops l k sistently scorenew work is key bec d h gto leaon th produc for potato arley and i her in omm tant butregions with a higher suitabilitmeet this need . refort, con .ause vegetables are an impor etab eterms of hours workedflavor of vegetables a healthyg the l on labdiet,or efBec ed part ofomoting veacceptance and consumption among infants to r-consum rest in prhelp establish life-long healthy eating patterns.unde wing inteis gro106/ SEEDWORLD.COMINTERNATIONAL EDITION 2020'