b'MARC ZIENKIEWICZ EDITOR, CREATE BY ISSUES INKTROY JACKSON@mzienkiemzienkiewicz@issuesink.comREGIONAL TERRITORY MANAGER, issuesink.comOLIVER MANUFACTURINGTroy.Jackson@olivermanufacturing.comolivermanufacturing.com Let us Help you Look and Sound Good in the Virtual WorldNo One Has It All, PartnersIM GETTING A LOTof experience with online meeting platforms like GoToMeeting and Zoom.Ive always used them, but not to this extent. Unlock Opportunity Over the past couple weeks, they have replaced the phone as my preferred way of doing interviews, for the following reasons.FOR FAR TOO LONG,companiesWe are able to marry the WestrupBetter quality audio. If your meeting partici-thought they had to produce it all, orequipment with our service and sup- pants and interview subjects join the meeting by as much as they could inhouse. But itport model here in North America.computer, the audio quality is superb. Much better didnt take long for those innovativeWhen we sell a Westrup piece ofthan a standard phone call.small- and medium-sized companiesequipment, we are your administra- Recording options. Better quality audio means to recognize that model just doesnttive assistant and see your inquiriesI can record my interviews for use in podcasts. work, and you cant constantly bethrough to the end. We work closelyYou never know when a soundbite might make for reinventing the wheel. Today, evenwith our direct contacts and havea good podcast soundbite. Just more content to the multinationals recognize this asa process to ensure all parts areoffer my readers!evidenced by constant announc- ordered and installed. Video options. Why not turn your webcams ing of new partnerships, licensingon (remember, even if you work from home, arrangements and deals. dress professionally in case you find yourself in a Some might be surprised at ourThis just goes to show when webcam meeting) and record a video chat? This partnership with Westrup, a companycan be made into a video to post on your website that also focuses on seed conditioningyou keep your eyes onso long as the video quality is good.and cleaning equipment. Yes, we boththe horizon and open toScreen sharing. I used to think screen sharing manufacture seed conditioning andwas only meant for certain meetings, but I find Im cleaning equipment and taking on thisopportunities in unexpectedusing it more and more casually to give my meet-line allows us to bring a more compre- ing participants or interviewee a peek into what Im hensive portfolio to customers. places, it can enhance yourworking on. Step inside my office has become When we recognized that, webusiness portfolio . Have a look at my screen.saw a potential partnership and notEven after the pandemic is over and life returns competition. At a meeting betweento normal, its my feeling that online meeting Westrups CEO, and our own Brianplatforms are going to take on new importance. Burney, the two leaders saw moreIn fact, we at Oliver and the lead- For me, they are becoming more than just meeting synergies that could benefit eachers at Westrup have been so happyplatforms, but rather my main vehicle for generating company than working alone. with the partnership it has the oppor- content, be it text, audio, or even potential video.After another meeting or two totunity to open new doors. Im considering more and more the importance iron out the details, Oliver became theThis just goes to show when youof a proper outfit, lighting and backdrop so that I am exclusive South American Distributorkeep your eyes on the horizon andable to present myself just as professionally online of the Westrup line of equipment.are open to opportunities in unex- as I would in person at an event or in the office.Now, were bringing two world-classpected places, it can enhance yourHow are you using technology in new ways equipment lines together to meetbusiness portfolio, allow you to meetto conduct business in the world of COVID-19? customers needs when it comes tothe needs of the broader market andContact me and lets chat!seed cleaning and conditioning. accelerate your business trajectory.38/ SEEDWORLD.COMINTERNATIONAL EDITION 2020'