b'I N D U S T R Y N E W S Delivering the news you need to know. Submissions welcomeemail us at news@issuesink.com. Gene Breakthrough in Fight Against WeedsA team of scientists from Rothamsted Research have successfully adapted genetic techniques developed for crop improvement to be used in weedsallowing them, for the first time, to directly study the genetics responsible for herbicide resistance. Research Links Wild Wheat to Drought Tolerance in Cultivated WheatNew research from the University of NebraskaLincoln has led to the discovery of a novel gene that improves drought adaptation in wheata breakthrough that could contribute to increased world food security. In new research published in Plant Biotechnology Journal, colleagues describe a novel form of a gene obtained from wild wheat that Responding to the deepening COVID-19 crisis in thehas the potential to improve drought tolerance in green sector, CIOPORA has launched an open-accesscultivated wheat. Crisis Resource Center for horticultural businesses.CRISPR Genome Editing Strategy Could Aimed at assisting breeders and other horticulturalImprove Rice, Other Cropscompanies challenged by the ongoing crisis, theScientists at UC Davis have used CRISPR technology to genetically engineer rice with high levels of beta-Center includes financial relief and other regulatorycarotene, the precursor of vitamin A. The technique information from over 12 countries as well as a feedthey used provides a promising strategy for genetically with the COVID-19 related measures implemented byimproving rice and other crops. the Plant Variety Protection (PVP) offices worldwide. New Feed Your Mind Initiative LaunchesThe U.S. Food and Drug Administration, in collaboration with the U.S. Environmental Protection Viable Vaccine Candidate for COVID-19Agency and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Developed Using Proprietary Plant-basedlaunched a new initiative to help consumers Technology better understand foods created through genetic Canadian biopharmaceutical company Medicagoengineering, commonly called GMOs or genetically announced that it has successfully produced a Virus- modified organisms. The initiative, Feed Your Mind, Like Particle (VLP) of the coronavirus 20 days afteraims to answer the most common questions that obtaining the SARS-CoV-2 (the virus causing theconsumers have about GMOs, including what GMOs COVID-19 disease) genetic sequence. Medicagoare, how and why they are made, how they are produced the VLP using proprietary plant-basedregulated and to address health and safety questions technology. The production of the VLP is the first stepthat consumers may have about these products.in developing a vaccine for COVID-19 which will now undergo preclinical testing for safety and efficacy. New Technology to Speed up the Development of More Resilient CropsNew Tool to Combat Fusarium Head Blight inA research collaboration led by The University of Wheat Western Australia has created a new technique that Agricultural Research Service scientists and theirspeeds up the development of seeds, producing colleagues have discovered a gene that can be used tobetter quality and more abundant pulse crops. The develop varieties of wheat that will be more resistant toresearchers from UWAs Centre for Plant Genetics and Fusarium Head Blight (FHB), a disease that is a majorBreeding developed the pulse-breeding platform to threat both overseas and to the nations $10 billionallow seeds to develop faster by rapidly accelerating annual wheat crop.the plant life cycle. 110/ SEEDWORLD.COMINTERNATIONAL EDITION 2020'