b'APRIL 2020Producers wishing to participateHARVEST in the pilot and plant an SVUA2020 SEPTEMBER variety will sign an evergreen2021 SVUA System Agreement (SA)Producers harvest theJULY / Producers purchase seed ofcrop grown from a SVUA2021Producer and retailer FEBRUARY SVUA varieties from their localvariety / Producers mayfeedback on platform; 2020seed retailer and sign Varietydivert some grain forAuditing ofmeasure effectiveness; Use Acknowledgements, whichseed use in 2021 some farms forrefinement based on SVUA pilot announced includes the maximum SVUF(farm-saved seed) complianceevaluationMARCHGROWINGJUNE - JULYJULY - AUGUST 2020SEASON20212021 SVUA platform is operational /2020Distributors set invoice SVUF, which may beSVUF collection and remittance to Participating distributors launchProducers plant lower than the maximum SVUF that the producerseed distributors (who represent the SVUA varieties and set maximumSVUA varieties acknowledged at time of seed purchase / SVUAplant breeders) by CPTASeed Variety Use Fee (SVUF)platform sends grower Declaration Form / / Retailers are trained on theProducers declare amount of farm-saved seed SVUA system and sign a Retailerplanted from SVUA varieties in 2021 / SVUA System Agreement (RSA) platform sends each grower a single SVUF invoice (for all SVUA varieties used)Daybreak were rapidly brought to marketqualities like dough and bread qualityalso gives us an opportunity to partner which is impressive for a breeding programthat would make it desirable to bakers,with a company like Canterra Seeds, who that has been operating in Canada for onlythe team at LCRC balanced the need forare also able to use technology and their four years, Reinheimer says.high, reliable grain yield to make it a pro- customer network to bring quality seed to For a crop that can take as long as 10ductive choice for Canadian farmers. market faster than ever before.years to bring a variety to market, LCRC isCombining high end-use quality withLCRC was established in 2015 as a pushing the boundaries for what is pos- high grain yield is quite a challenge, saysjoint venture between the Winnipeg-sible in wheat breeding, he adds.Reinheimer. CS Accelerate is unique as itbased Canterra Seeds and France-based High yielding in a short strong strawcan provide the high grain volumes perLimagrain. LCRC is the first endeavour package combined with excellent rustacre desired by farmers while being veryof its kind in Canada, a country that has resistance, CS Accelerate has demon- desirable to millers and bakers through itslagged behind other areas of the world strated yields 5% greater than AACgreat functional and end-use quality. where value creation models have already Penhold. It is the latest wheat varietyThe rapid development of plant breed- taken root in the form of end-point to be accepted into the Warburtonsing technology is opening up a worldroyalties or trailing royalties, the latter of Canadian Identity Preserved Program.of new possibilities in wheat breeding.which the SVUA is based on.Warburtons has a 26-year history ofReinheimer says modern tools are set toThe only way we as a breeding sourcing Canadian wheat with the end- change cereal breeding in significant ways.company can invest dollars into research use of providing bread products to U.K.This is an exciting time that is reallyfor the benefit of the Canadian grower is consumers through its IP program. CSencapsulated by the whole value crea- the through the royalties that we receive Accelerate was the only new wheat varietytion discussion. Weve shown you canfrom growers themselves, says Tatiana selected to be added to the contract pro- have breeders, companies, both publicHenry, CEO of LCRC. Shes originally from gram for 2020. and private organizations, come in withUkraine and has experience working with Weve been evaluating CS Acceleratenew ideas, new ways of doing things, andvalue creation systems elsewhere in the for three years, says Adam Dyck,you can use new breeding methods to goworld.Warburtons program manager for Westernfaster and look for novel ways to use theWe hope the pilot is successful and Canada. In 2018, we had seen a coupleend product to add value for the grower,brings value to us, which we will pay of years of strong performance and really,Reinheimer adds. back to growers through new innovations really good bread quality. CS AcceleratesA company like us that breaks thein breeding.performance in 2019 cemented our viewnorm and brings products of high value toVisit seedvaluecreation.ca for more that this is a Warburtons quality wheat. market very fast can come into the space,info. Along with extensive testing to makebut we need the financial incentive to do sure it possessed the desiredend-useit and the SVUA offers that incentive. It INTERNATIONAL EDITION 2020 GERMINATION.CA 7'