b"Contributions to the implementationSpecial Interest Groups (SIGs) was a step of the harmonized seed trade regula- towards achieving that. It was gratify-tions in Africa's Regional Economicing to see AFSTA members embrace Communities (RECs)i.e. the Commonoverwhelmingly the SIGs initiative, on its Market for Eastern and Southern Africalaunch seven years ago, with the registra-(COMESA), the Southern Africantion of the first 30 members. Development Community (SADC), theNumerous benefits that member-Economic Community of West Africanship to Special Interest Groups at AFSTA States (ECOWAS) and the East Africanaccrue include provision of a forum, Community (EAC) includes strength- which brings together members with ening partnerships with national seedinterests in specific crops. Second, the trade associations, global seed industryforum provides a limitless resource in players and regional institutions. terms of sharing of seed trade knowledge and experiences; exploring seed business On Biotechnology opportunities, addressing seed policy AFSTA has been at the forefront of nego- issues through group action and access tiating with various seed stakeholdersto impartial seed information. Others and regulators to allow for biotechnologyinclude leveraging on policy change that adoption under clear biosafety systems.enables seed business and finally being Charisma, they say, takesThe association applauds various effortspart of the team raisesAFSTAs visibility.being undertaken by governments toThe Multilateral System (MLS) and the you into the house, but addaddress issues of food security, but moreStandard Material Transfer Agreement credibility and it makesneeds to be done. A case in point, and(SMTA) on access and benefit sharing which needs more partnership, is the(ABS), under the ITPGRFA, have been a you stay in the house.fact that African countries have begun tokey concern for this group. Add to it low Indeed, our credibility andcommercialise Bt. cotton (Kenya, Malawiadoption of seeds of improved varieties, and Nigeria), Bt. maize (Nigeria) and Bt.market attraction of sorghum and millet consistency have workedCowpea (Nigeria). All these happened inplus slow variety release processes in vari-ways for us to the top.2019. We hope more governments willous countries, then you have an almost adopt this trend and allow for commer- full plate of issues to tackle. cialisation of diversified crops. Time and again, the group has raised From our work with various nationalconcerns regarding plant variety protec-seed associations over the past sevention with international bodies such as the years, farmers and a majority of seedAfrican Regional Intellectual Property companies support biotechnology. InOrganization (ARIPO), Organisation Malawi and Burkina Faso, as cases inAfricaine de la Proprit Intellectuelle point, the Seed Trade Association of(OAPI) and the International Union for Malawi (STAM) and National Seed Tradethe Protection of New Varieties of Plant Association of Burkina Faso (ANES-BF)(UPOV). The work of Africa regional trade have continued to throw their weightblocs, especially in facilitating seed trade, behind ongoing calls by researchers tohas been at the core of this groups menu. the government to commercialize geneti- There is discomfort raised over the slow cally modified foods in the country. Theyimplementation of regional harmonized say the technology is crucial to help farm- seed trade regulations. Last but not least, ers deal effectively with pest attacks andchallenges on achievement of improved the impact of climate change which willvarieties potential by farmers remain in help accelerate the development of thethe conversation of the Sistema Integrado agricultural sector. de Gesto de Fundos Comunitrios (SIGFC).Special Interest Groups of AFSTA AFSTA is obliged to offer service to itsOther Milestonesmembers and the establishment of theThe fact that we have continuously 48/ SEEDWORLD.COMINTERNATIONAL EDITION 2020"