b'TJ NEIDLEIN DIRECTOR OF QUALITY AND PROCESS EXCELLENCE, NUFARM STEVE DEJONGtj.neidlein@nufarm.com PRESIDENT, PROFILE INDUSTRIES, INC.www.nufarm.com steve@profile-ind.com www.profile-ind.comProfileIndUSAPick Your BattlesINCREASINGLY,organizations are confronted by pressure across a variety of fronts. Two per-petual facets are the need to increase operationalVideo View! A Positive Change efficiency and produce cost savings. Meanwhile,the lack of time and resources can make the attainment of significant improvement seem over- for Coping with COVID-19whelming. Nufarm recently implemented 4DX as a model to balance the reality of maximum efficiency gainsMAKING COMMUNICATIONadjustments came swiftly with COVID-19. with minimal team resources. This pandemic has changed business practices almost overnight: canceled 4DX is short for Four Disciplines of Execution.some trips and cut others short, canceled trade shows, separatedIt was developed by Patrick Lencioni. Its disciplinesco-workers, taught us social distancing, enabled remote locations and are to: 1) Focus on the wildly important, 2) Act onre-scheduled face to face meetings. We now do more video conferencing the lead measures, 3) Keep a compelling scorecardwith more technology and less direct communication than we had thought and 4) Create a cadence of accountability.possible. One of the most interesting changes is video emails. This one may 4DX acknowledges that we all have lots of worktake some time to feel comfortable with compared to other communica-to do to keep the business running, but gettingtion technology; however, we have also had some fun with it. caught up in the day-to-day whirlwind can preventWe are receiving videos more now than ever before. Communication the organization from delivering on its key goals.is key! We are experiencing a better understanding of our clients and As part of 4DX, an organization identifies thetheir needs. One that stands out in my mind is a video we received from mission-critical things it should achieve, the Wildlya client showing his property. The snow-capped mountains in the back-Important Goal (WIGs) and uses a structuredground were beautiful! We had no idea how amazing his scenery is. That approach to ensure its making progress. video gave us a new appreciation for him. We are developing a more This includes identifying battles that will con- profound connection with our clients as we adjust our communication in tribute to achieving a WIG. Each battle leaderresponse to COVID-19.has a goal to improve a measurable lagging metricWe had done video conferencing many times before. Now is our from its current level to a level that will contributeopportunity to focus and polish this skill set. We are utilizing our video to the goal.platforms more and we are connecting with clients (both potential and 4DX ensures were spending time each weekcurrent) with ease. It is being a positive experience as we perfect this on behaviors that keep us from losing sight oftechnology and become more comfortable with it! our Wildly Important Goal. This year, NufarmIt allows us to re-think how we do business and how we can relate assembled eight 4DX teams focused on WIGsto video. Back in the day (a few months ago), face-to-face was the best centered around manufacturing optimizations andapproach to secure a stable business relationship. That may still be true, customer-ready inventory enhancements. Battlesalthough video communication now holds a close second. focus on a range of improvements from water useThe fast-acting progressive behavior of companies has been staggering and active ingredient yield to inventory transitionfrom remote staff to new experiences with technology-based communica-and faster procurement and sales alignment. Thetion growth. engagement of our 4DX team members to driveWe are confident that the communication technologies we have been manageable but meaningful weekly tasks hasimplementing will continue in the future. I encourage anyone who is been excellent. The program is already helping toslightly uncomfortable with video technology to start playing around with manage costs and improve service to our custom- it. You will be happy you did. ers. Stay safe and healthy.INTERNATIONAL EDITION 2020SEEDWORLD.COM /41'