b'ADVERTORIALEkoNiva-Semena, sells over 40,000 tonnes of certified seeds of cereals, pulses, perennial and annual forage and turf grasses.T he plant breeding and seedThe plant breeding, variety maintenancethe National Plant Breeders and Seed production company EkoNiva- and basic seed production activitiesGrowers Association of Russia, working Semena, LLC has been operatingare concentrated at the premises ofin cooperation with other seed producers in the Russian agricultural market sinceZashchitnoye LLC, a company withinand government authorities on improving 1998. The enterprise is one of the majorEkoNiva Group, which is based in Kurskthe law on plant breeding, seed growing producers of field crop seeds.oblast. The total area under seed cropsand intellectual property protection, thus amounts to over 40,000 hectares. Thecontributing to the development of the In 2019, the company sold over 40,000certified seeds are grown in VoronezhRussian variety and seed market.tonnes of certified seeds of cereal andand Novosibirsk oblasts.pulse crops, perennial and annual forageThe company is the only permanent and turf grasses.The quality of the seed material isrepresentative of the Russian agricultural monitored in the in-house seed testingindustry in the International Seed Feder-EkoNiva-Semena, LLC cooperates withlaboratory in a process ensuring thatation (ISF) and European Seed Associa-over 40 leading plant breeding centresonly premium class product is releasedtion (ESA).of the USA, Europe and Russia offeringonto the market.farmers the best global and domesticAlways on the lookout for cutting edge genetics. Since 2015, the company hasThe customer base of EkoNiva-Semena issolutions, EkoNiva-Semena is open to co-been actively engaged in the in-houseactively increasing, currently comprisingoperation and networking opportunities. breeding programmes aimed at theover 8,000 agricultural commodity development of highly adaptive softproducers. The seamless logistics system winter wheat and soybean varieties infacilitates reliable and timely seed lot line with the ever growing demands ofdelivery even to remote regions of Russia the modern agricultural market. Plantand the CIS countries.breeding is a good way to diversify the business, an opportunity to reach theEkoNiva-Semena is an active member next level of intellectual production.of the plant breeding community andwww.ekoniva-apk.ru/enINTERNATIONAL EDITION 2020SEEDWORLD.COM /105'