b'He adds that the work completed onof five key strategic objectives, vanPerhaps at this time more than any the key strategic objectives over the lastLeeuwen says. other, the new objectives play a critical five years was largely due to everyoneA series of workshop to fine-tune therole in responding to the rapidly changing pulling together. The efforts resulteddocument followed. In the coming weeks,seed industry.in more efficient and direct support tothe latest version will be shared with theSeed is the starting point of the food members, including a training manual onworking group and board of directors forsystem, and today the international policy the ISPM 38 as well as building traininga last review.making community is realizing that trans-modules to increase the understanding ofThis September, we expect to sendforming our food systems into a sustain-the new measures.the final version to the board for adoptionable one requires an integrated approach Keller states ISFs communications areduring the midterm meetings in Octoberthat takes into consideration not just food changing a little as well.and hope to present the new plans tosecurity but also other dimensions like We want to deliver a compellingISFs membership at the 2021 WSC inclimate change, health and nutrition, and message that focuses on our sectorsBarcelona. creating sustainable livelihood in develop-contribution to society, he says. I amWhile formulating the new set of keying countries and rural communities, van very happy to see our growing presencestrategic objectives for 2021 to 2025, vanLeeuwen explains. in social media. The times are changing,Leeuwen points out that the objectivesBased on the input from the online the sector is changing and we as associa- currently in place are still extremely valid.survey, interviews with external stake-tions have to change, adapt ourselvesholders and discussions with NSAs, two and also guide our members. Strong andimportant dimensions were added to proactive engagement and communica- the current approach: sustainability and tion is fundamental to succeeding in ourengagement. strategic objectives. As a consequence, the new key strategic objectives will connect our work The Next Five Years even more to climate change, the UN Because of COVID-19 and the postpone- Sustainable Development Goals, diver-ment of the Word Seed Congress (WSC)sification of membership, especially in in Cape Town where the plan would haveStrong and proactive engagementdeveloping countries, and helping foster been presented, the new key strategicand communication is fundamentalrelationships with a broader range of objectives for ISF wont be formallyexternal stakeholders including the value adopted until later this year. But Marcoto succeeding in our strategicchain, van Leeuwen states.van Leeuwen, second vice president ofobjectives.While developing the new set of key ISF and managing director of Rijk Zwaan,strategic objectives, ISF continually has an says the process has been a smooth one.Michael Keller eye on innovation. Van Leeuwen says that We started the process to review theit all starts with the seed. current key strategic objectives during theDelivering innovation through seeds is ISF midterm meetings in October 2019,what drives the seed sector: creating and van Leeuwen says. The board assigneddelivering added value, not only to farm-this task to a working group composed ofers but in fact to the entire value chain, representatives of national seed asso- including consumers, he says. One of ciations (NSAs), seed companies andthe important roles of ISF is to facilitate the executive committee, covering alland enable this process. ISF will support geographical regions and crop sections.Innovation, movement of seed, intel- its members more through identifying A large part of the process was guidedlectual property rights and biodiversitymajor changes and future challenges that by consultants from Alcimed, a Frenchwill also be of crucial importance in thewill impact the seed sector.based strategy consultancy group.next decades, he says.Inclusiveness also factors into the Van Leeuwen says the effort startedAll of the objectivescurrent andequation. by reaching out to members with anproposedfall into line with ISFs missionSeed needs to be accessible to all, online survey to gauge their opinionsstatement.helping farmers to realize sustainable concerning the organization, the currentThe vision and mission statement arecrop production and thereby contributing set of key strategic objectives and whatvery well formulated and meant to last forto food security, health and climate adap-they saw as challenges and priorities overa longer time. Consistency and long termtation, he added. The recent COVID-19 the next five years.orientation in the seed world is key andoutbreak made many people realize even These interviews gave valuable inputhence ISFs approach needs to be in linemore the essential function seed has in for a new draft strategic plan, composedwith this, he adds. the entire food chain. Seed is life.SW8/ SEEDWORLD.COMINTERNATIONAL EDITION 2020'