b'CHARISMA TAKES YOU INTO THE HOUSE, CREDIBILITY MAKES YOU STAY.AFSTA outlines its role in providing the voice of the seed industry in Africa.Daniel AghanPRIOR TO THEyear 2000, theTum gave a keynote address at thehouse, but add credibility and it makes African continent did not have anAFSTA Congress 2020 in Livingstone,you stay in the house. Indeed, our cred-umbrella body that could collectively beZambia, in March 2020 as the delegatesibility and consistency have worked ways the voice of the seed industry. Somethingcelebrated its 20 years of existence. for us to the top. Today AFSTA is recog-had to be done about it. Hence, after sev- nized as the apex body that bears the eral meetings and consultations amongOur Management face of African seed industry. key seed stakeholders, the African SeedThe management is composed of theAFSTAs approach focuses on working Trade Association (AFSTA) was born.Executive Committee that comprises ofin partnership with research institutions, Its mandate from the start was clear: tothe current president, vice-president, pastregional economic communities, seed promote the seed trade to improve thepresident, and seven board members fromexperts, governments and development seed supply to farmers by advocatingdifferent geographical regions of Africapartners to improve access to quality an enabling environment to address theand two from outside Africa. The AFSTAseed by farmers in Africa. There is fore-issues affecting seed trade at the national,Secretariat, which has six staff members, isseen investment in the current running ini-regional and international levels. That waslocated in Nairobi, Kenya. tiatives as well as focus on strengthening 20 years ago.Given that the association operatesthe use of quality seed for better yields. Today, what began with a single soulunder focused interventions, various at the Secretariat has grown with leapscommittees have been formed. TheseBringing Members Togetherand bounds, recording unimagined mile- include Communication and AdvocacyMany seed people have found value in stones as it possesses a large footprint on(with a sub-committee on Plant Biotechthe AFSTA annual congress and they the African seed industry. Communication and Advocacy);find it hard to miss each March. It is held Nothing summarizes the beginning ofPartnership and Member Services; Audit;on a rotational basis from one country the association than what the Foundingand Plant Breeding Innovation and Westto another around Africa. The congress President of AFSTA, Nathaniel Tum saidAfricato address issues related to thehas remained a key annual event on the recently: Looking at the growth of theAfrican seed industry. The journey hascalendar of the African seed industry. It African Seed Trade Association, I cannotseen AFSTA facilitate initiatives that haveoffers unique opportunities for enhanc-help but compare it to a famous Ibosupported seed companies to consist- ing existing business relationships and story that narrates the story of a youngently produce and trade high qualitycreating new ones. It has also remained man who grew like a yam tendril plantedcertified seed in Africa. a major networking avenue for members during the rainy season.Charisma, they say, takes you into theand non-members. The congress pro-44/ SEEDWORLD.COMINTERNATIONAL EDITION 2020'