b"INTERNATIONAL NEWSGLOBAL SEED WATCHSEEDS CANADA ISSUES WARNING ABOUT FOREIGN BUYERS TRYING TO ILLEGALLY ACCESS CANADIAN FLAX GENETICS, WHEAT STEM RUST UG99 IDENTIFIED IN NEPAL, AND AFRICAS VEGETABLE GENEBANK OPENED IN TANZANIA.STATUS CANADA present at extremely low levels in the fields in Nepal. The wheat on which the Ug99 race TTKTT was detected were fodder crops Seeds Canada emailed their members to let them know that for- and cut soon after the surveys were completed, which prevented eign organizations are inappropriately approaching seed growersfurther buildup of disease. In addition, no wheat is grown in the and retailers in Western Canada to secure Canadian genetics. Seedsmain season in these areas.Canada has received reports that organizations from KazakhstanExtensive follow up surveys in the area and throughout other are currently targeting CDC Rowland flax retailers to secure seedwheat growing areas in the country resulted in no wheat being for export; Seeds Canada expects these attempts to secure seed willobserved and no detection of stem rust. To date, extensive surveys extend to other varieties and crop kinds, the email said. in other countries in South Asia (Pakistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan) CDC Rowland, a SeCan variety, is attractive to Kazakhstanhave not detected stem rust in 2023/24.as that country is a major flax producer and growers there are no doubt looking for the latest genetics that offer superior yields and disease resistance. STATUS TANZANIADespite its relatively recent introduction to the market, CDC Rowland has quickly gained attention for its superior traits, offeringThe World Vegetable Center officially opened Africas Vegetable a substantial yield increase and other desirable characteristics com- Genebank on 19 March 2024, at its regional center for Eastern pared to older varieties like CDC Glas, says Todd Hyra, SeCansand Southern Africa, in Arusha, Tanzania. This state-of-the-art western business manager. facility replaces a seed repository that was established in 1992, later Furthermore, Kazakhstans ability to offer flax grain at lowerupgraded into a genebank in 2017. The new infrastructure was con-prices poses a direct threat to Canadian flax producers. By targetingstructed and equipped with generous funding from the Republic of specific varieties like CDC Rowland, foreign entities aim to gain aChina (Taiwan) through the TAVI project. competitive edge in their agricultural markets, potentially causingThe inauguration of the genebank marks an important mile-harm to Canadian farmers and the industry as a whole. stone for WorldVeg and its work on ensuring the collection, con-To address these concerns, it is essential for everyone involvedservation, characterization, regeneration, and data management in the agricultural supply chain to remain vigilant. of vegetable germplasm. The facility includes seed processing and Seed retailers, farmers, and industry stakeholders must bedrying facilities, an acquisition room, climate-controlled seed stor-alert to any suspicious inquiries or requests for proprietary crop vari- age, and a seed testing laboratory, providing a robust foundation for eties. Its imperative to ensure that proper permissions are obtainedsafeguarding and utilizing vegetable genetic resources. This initi-before authorizing distribution to foreign markets, Hyra says. ative not only preserves valuable plant genetic material, but also Its not the first time Seeds Canada or its legacy organizationsfacilitates research, breeding and development efforts to enhance have raised the alarm about foreign entities attempting to illegallyagricultural productivity and resilience.access Canadian genetics. In the spring of 2020, unnamed seedThis initiative will not only benefit farmers and researchers in buyers from Kazakhstan were attempting to access made-in-CanadaAfrica but also contribute to global efforts aimed at addressing chal-varieties of wheat, barley, pulse crops and soybeans without goinglenges such as climate change, pests, and diseases affecting vegetable through the proper channels.production. The partnership between the World Vegetable Center and the Republic of China (Taiwan) exemplifies the potential for cooperation and innovation in agricultural research and develop-STATUS NEPAL ment. It demonstrates how strategic investments and collaborative efforts can lead to tangible outcomes that positively impact com-Successful global wheat disease surveillance and monitoring hasmunities and enhance sustainable agriculture.resulted in early detection of wheat stem rust Ug99 in Nepal. ADistinguished guests were guided through a tour of Africas combination of vigilant field surveys and sampling by Nepal'sVegetable Genebank facility, where they had the opportunity to National Plant Pathology Research Centre (NPPRC) and Nationalsee firsthand the infrastructure for seed processing and drying, Wheat Research Program (NWRP), supported by rigorous andclimate-controlled seed storage, and seed testing laboratory. accurate disease diagnostics at the Global Rust Reference CenterKnowledgeable staff members led by Sognigbe NDanikou, (GRRC), Denmark, confirmed the presence of Ug99 as a highlyWorldVeg scientists for traditional African vegetables, provided virulent race variant termed TTKTT. Results were obtained frominsights into the importance of preserving vegetable germplasm two field samples collected in early November 2023 from off-seasonand the role of the genebank in supporting agricultural research summer wheat crops. and development efforts. There were also various exhibitions show-Migration of Ug99 from Africa to other regions, includingcase diverse vegetable germplasm collections, including displays South Asia, was always seen as likely due to the transboundaryhighlighting different genera, species, and varieties of added-value nature of the disease and long-distance dispersal of rust spores byvegetables. Interactive demonstrations and presentations offer visi-wind. Detection of a Ug99 race in Nepal is not therefore a surprise,tors a deeper understanding of the genetic diversity and nutritional but it highlights the effectiveness of the wheat rust surveillancevalue of indigenous vegetables and the importance of conservation and monitoring systems that have been developed. The disease wasefforts. SEEDWORLD.COM/EUROPEISEED WORLD EUROPE I 43"