b'TABLE OF CONTENTS MAY 2024FEATURESA Deep Dive Into Corn Breeding Part 1Types, Markets and Reaching Ever Higher Yields.06 Why Does Europe Struggle to Get a New Seed Law That Still Works forBreeders and Farmers? 1020 Most Influential Women in the European Seed Sector in 202312Regenerative Agriculture: Fad or Future? 22Hype or Hope? Regenerative Agriculture Under the Magnifying Glass. 26Nadorcott Reconsidered 32History of the ISF: Part 2 .3632DEPARTMENTSEditors Message 04Column: Sense, Nonsense and Science 18Column: Horticulture is Italys Thing 20INSIDERSAdvice from Industry Experts 28Since You Asked: Is IP Indeed an Easy Dossier? 40Column: Incentivizing The Development Of New Products For European Farmers .41Industry News 42Global Seed Watch .4306 Giant Views: Mapping Your Mental Landscape .44SEEDWORLD.COM/EUROPEISEED WORLD EUROPE I 1'