b'SINCE YOU ASKEDBY: NIELS LOUWAARS*IS IP INDEED AN EASY DOSSIER?h owthevastmajorityofthat scream out for extra margin through Europarliamentarians fromadditional protection? I do not see them! It all denominations; Greens,appears that the most vocal proponents of Conservatives, Progressives, and everythingpatents are those active in the more profita-in-between, could so intensely oppose pat- ble maize and major vegetable crops. ents on plants. Based on the IP-positionsFurthermore, I wonder what percent-of Euroseeds and ISF, World Seed Europeage of patents are really profitable, taking clearly and eloquently explained lastinto account the cost of navigating the February, that for people familiar with thepatent system. Patents create significant matter, it is easy to debunk all the misrep- legal and practical uncertainly for breed-resentations in relation to this topic! So,ers; how to be sure whether one can use a is the Parliament filled to the brim withplant as a parent without employing well-anti-IP idealogues? Has the Europeanpaid specialists? Patent claims rely heavily populace elected hundreds of followers ofon interpretation and precise technical and scary NGOs, out to destroy innovation andlegal jargon, and experiences in many sec-EU-businesses? Have zealous activists brain- tors adds to the patent systems reputation washed the vast majority of MEPs? Or? of a lawyers paradise.Perhaps these MEPs realize thatIn general, we may need to show some Intellectual Property Rights are a socialsympathy to our MEPs who have a lot onWe are part ofcontract whereby society allows the crea- their plate and cannot be expected to havesociety and play ation of temporary but artificial monopoliesa deep scientific understanding of all topics to reward inventors for their efforts andthey deliberate on. I confess I too some- vital role inentice them to innovate further. Promotingtimes wonder about arguments that areguaranteeing a basic such anti-competitive rules is highly irreg- presented in political discussions. However, ular, as in all other aspects of business andwhen there is such overwhelming supportneed of humantrade there are strict regulation in placeacross the isle for a more modest role oflife for current andto prevent anti-competitive actions andpatent law in our sector, perhaps this should to promote free trade. It would stand togive us some reason to reflect. It is the easyfuture generations.reason that this exception to the rule war- way to indulge in our own righteous state of rants close monitoring of the cost-benefitmind. But if you are faced by a significant ratio of the contract, and that adaptationunity against your world view, then it may of the rules would logically be made whenbe wise to redirect your antennas and to try the monopolies become too strong and theto debunk your own deep-rooted beliefs and societal outcome insufficient. worldviews. It could be that these MEPs know thatWe are part of society and play a vital most plant breeders have successfully reliedrole in guaranteeing a basic need of human on Plant Variety Protection to get a returnlife for current and future generations. I on their invention for the better part of awould like to advocate for taking stake-century now. This system has allowed EUholder value a bit more serious, even if there plant breeders to invest on average some 15is some cost for short-term shareholder per cent of their turnover in R&D, morevalue. For a start, let us not call everything than almost any other sector, and to becomethat goes against our beliefs mis- or disin-the most successful plant breeders in theformation and keep communication lines world. So, is more margin needed? Indeed,with society open.15 per cent is not possible for all crops; in others it goes up to 30 per cent. Is it the*With significant linguistic support from companies at the lower end of this scaleSjoerd Bijl40ISEED WORLD EUROPEISEEDWORLD.COM/EUROPE'