b'INSIDERSPLANT BREEDING TECHNOLOGYNew Kid on the Block Revolutionizes GMO TestingROBERTO SPADADirector of MarketingStandard BioToolsGenetically modified organisms (GMOs)detection via its unique amplicon-basedoffers automated library preparation and offer huge opportunity in agriculture, butsequencing approach. sequencing for increased efficiency.they bring with them significant regulatory,This approah offers several key advan- This technology has the potential to be compliance and testing challenges. To meettages over traditional methods like qPCR: a game-changer for various stakeholders. marketability standards, support interna- Highly multiplexed: the BioMark X9 canMost obviously, the technology would give tional trade, and keep consumers on-side,analyze a large number of GMO targetsregulatory agencies enhanced capacity for agriculture needs efficient, cost-effective,simultaneously, saving time and resourcesmonitoring and enforcement of GMO reg-scalable methods for GMO detection incompared to single target methods. ulations. For food, feed and seed producers, food, feed and seeds. Luckily, theres a newIncreased sensitivity: the Biomark X9 canit would ensure the accuracy and transpar-type of genomics technology available thatdetect GMOs present at very low levels,ency of their labeling practices. And, at the offers exactly that. even in complex mixtures. far other end of the agricultural value chain, If youve got your ear to the groundImproved specificity: the BioMark X9it would also benefit consumers, giving about whats new and exciting in genomicreduces the risk of false positives bythem greater confidence in the information technologies, youll have heard of thetargeting specific sequences unique toprovided on food labels.Biomark X9 System for high-throughputGMOs. Intrigued? Read more about how this genomics, which delivers comprehensiveBroader applicability: The BioMarkapproach works at https://www.biorxiv.sample profiling for PCR and genotypingX9 can identify a wider range of GMOorg/content/10.1101/2023.12.22.573157v1.by sequencing (GBS) studies with minimalevents, including those not yet docu- abstract, check out our website or contact us operator contribution. That same systemmented in reference databases. at education.team@standardbio.com.has the potential to revolutionize GMOStreamlined workflow: The BioMark X9 BUSINESS GROWTHIs it Soccer or Football?SHAWN BROOKPresidentSeed World GroupThis question is considered absolute blas- good news is that you absolutely do NOTchanges, just some very important tweaks phemy by the majority of the world but notneed to get this perfect because there is noto the language, adjustments to some to everyone. It is the same situation whensuch thing as a singular perfect message forimages along with some formatting and we are sharing any message with a large,EVERYONE.within 6 months they had traffic at or above diversified audiencewhat is the RIGHTI recently was on a call with a clienttheir targeted levels in Eastern Europe. way to tell your story? The answer is itwho was disappointed with their websiteWhat was interesting is they made depends on who you want to hear it!performance and wanted to understandsimilar tweaks to the Western European I work with a lot of companies that arewhy. We completed an audit and in review- countries sites as well and saw an almost expanding with either new products or intoing the results discovered they were ondoubling of traffic and engagement on new geographies and nothing creates moretarget for their audience in Western Europethose sites. Connecting with your audience learning opportunities (the positive waybut the audience that they were looking forin the way that they want to be connected of saying, places to make mistakes) thanin Eastern Europe was way off. The obvi- is Marketing 101 but sometimes we must thinking that the entire world thinks, lis- ous issue was that they were using the samebe reminded that our target audience does tens, decides and buys the same way you do.content and format for what we have comenot wake up in the morning hoping to find Crafting a story with the listener into learn, is a very different audience withyouthey wake up with their issues and mind is critical to creating their listening.different expectations.their problems that need to be solved. So, What is important to them? What problemThey had to remember that GoogleI ask you to think about how your audi-did they wake up with this morning thatis reviewing their content BEFORE theirence wants to hear the information that you would like to discuss with them? Whatpotential client can find it, so their con- you want to share with them BEFORE cultural norms dictate how the majoritytent MUST match up with what Googleyou push it out into the world AND see of your audience in a specific geographyis looking to be able to serve it up to theirthe massive difference in the results!will listen to what you have to say? Thetarget audience. It was not wholesale 28ISEED WORLD EUROPEISEEDWORLD.COM/EUROPE'